Hunter who???

647 19 4

Anywhere with you
Is everywhere I want to be...

J. Iron Word

Savannah's POV:

Last night was just amazing... We had great fun together... Though we stay at the same apartment, we usually don't have these kinda girls night...
We had nothing to worry, it was fun, just fun and nothing else...

Actually I had planned that we'd watch a movie, but we ended up gossiping and giggling all night... We also planned alot for my wedding, for the wedding gown for bridesmaid dresses and stuff.. It was exciting to plan for my wedding, and also I instantly started blushing when she mentioned Ethan's name, for which she teased me.

Honestly, she was not pleased when she first saw him, but then seems she's impressed by the way he treated her and me as well... And I'm happy that she did.. I wish our friendship is this strong forever, like it always has been...

Once after dawn, Adele left to her room to have a short nap and then freshen up for breakfast, while I did the same in my room.. We then headed down together for breakfast...

Ethan entered the dining hall exactly after ten minutes from our arrival there.. He greeted us and then we had our breakfast...

Shortly after that Adele and myself decided to watch a movie in the theatre room which I never knew existed, till now... I wanted to watch a romantic movie while Adele preferred comedy, but we ended up watching a horror movie..Lol...

Now we're hanging out here in the garden... It's clear that Adele likes it here, well me either.. I feel really calm and happy, which lasts no more... My calmness was interrupted by this blaring noise...

Adele and I swiftly turn towards each other and exchange a bewildered stare.. Immediately we started our way towards the house.. And as we neared the house, we heard someone yelling on the top of their lungs.. I'm pretty sure it was Ethan's voice, and thats when I started limping as fastly as possible, unhesitantly...

Once after reaching the lobby of the house, I quickly went in the direction, his yelling came from, which was from the living area...

I was shocked, seeing for what and who was he yelling at.. I can see the broken pieces of porcelain cups.. Those looks like antiques.. But why does he have to yell on top of his lungs for something like this.. He's got enough, to even own antique cups stores... Seems these are special to him.. Someone close to his heart must've given it to him or it must've belonged to someone special..

I'm actually a bit nervous, okay to be frank, scared to go near... What if he accidentally does anything out of his rage... Yet, I gather all the courage I have, together and neared him...

I can see his eyes welling up but he never loses control over it.. One thing is clear, he's in pain.. I get closer to him and put my hands on either of his arms... I rested my forehead on his back. I felt the sudden jerk his body gave...

He quickly tried to turn towards me, but I stopped him. Then I warmly hugged him from behind..
"It's okay baby, just calm.." I spoke in a soft tone... I can feel his tensed body, instantly relax...

Ethan then slowly turned towards me.. I looked straight into his eyes to calm his mood, and he does calm down.. He then apologized the maid for yelling at her, after which she left the room, cleaning the broken pieces.. This bipolar really has to be given attention to.. I wonder why didn't he seek medical support for this.. Anyways I'll try my best, so far I think I can handle this...

"I'm sorry Sav.." Ethan apologizes me with a blank expression..
"It's okay Ethan, you don't have to.."
I replied him, holding his hands supportively...

"These cups are something really special to you, aren't they??" I ask him wide eyed, and his expression changes immediately from blankness to sorrow..

After a few seconds of silence Ethan finally decided to speak.
"Those were my mother's."
He says nothing else...

Without hesitation I leaned in and hugged him... I know how it feels to have no one.. But I have no idea how this must be hurting him.. Once you had someone who loved you and that person is no more.. I can only imagine how this must feel, in fact I don't even want to imagine this...

I soothingly stroked his hair, whilst still hugging him in the most affectionate way possible... I want him to know I'll always be there for him, I'll stay right next to him..

I pulled away after few moments and smiled at him.. He returned the smile and walked away from there...
I stand there smiling, watching him walk away.. Oh shit.. I completely forgot Adele.. I limped towards the lobby, only to find her seated on the couch with grumpy face..

"Thanks for the company.." Adele teased me..
"Oh, I'm so sorry Adele, I had no idea what I was doin, after hearing his voice.." I spoke, feeling sorry for poor Adele.. She probably must've had tough time finding her way back to the house..

"Alright.. I'm hungry.." she says not changing her expression.. The both of us burst into laughter...

We grabbed some snacks and a drink and headed to the movie room to watch some series or a movie...

After spending hours in the movie room watching series, we finally decided to move our lazy legs out of this room.. We then went to the dining room to have dinner, eagerly waiting for the delicious meal..
Since Adele's arrival, our routine has been, eat, have fun, repeat...

We're done having our dinner, now..
It was purely delicious and nothing else... We then walked towards our rooms, well Adele was walking and I was limping.. It still hurts like crazy, I've done a lot of walking today, and this huge house is not helping with that..

Suddenly out of nowhere we heard a screeching scream... We instantly froze at that spot.. I have no idea what it was.. Since I couldn't walk properly Adele helped me and the both of us walked in the most fastest way possible in my current state... We walked to the kitchen, sensing that the screem had come from there..

After coming close to the kitchen, we were shocked to see what had happened... Hannah and Ethan were holding the girl who had previously broken the cups... She was holding her right arm close to her chest with the other hand's support... Her arm looked soo bruised and damaged.. And her face looks terrible..

Adele and I were startled, standing still, wide eyed.. Ethan took her outside the house and made her sit in the car, Hannah and one other maid joined her and they left, along with the driver, probably to the hospital...

Ethan returned back inside the house.. He walked forward and immediately stood idle, after seeing us.. I took a few steps and went close to him...

"What happened to her Ethan??"
I ask him, all confused.. He didn't open his mouth..
"Please tell me Ethan, I wanna know what happened to her??"

Ethan took a deep breath before he sighed..
"Hunter broke her arm..." Ethan spoke keeping his eyes down..

"What??" I'm absolutely perplexed by his words.. What did he mean??.. Why did Hunter break her arm, and for what possible reason?? And most importantly who the hell is Hunter??!!!


Author's note:
Hey guys, it's just a random chapter with a slight twist in the end.. Hope you guys like this one... And guess who's Hunter, leave your guesses in the comments.. Do need your love and support ❣️❣️.. Do vote and comment ❣️💕. Happy weekend guys 💞💓💞..
Laters guys ❣️❣️❣️

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