This Seems Like The Dawn

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           "We're all broken...
And that's how the light gets in..."

Savannah's POV:

It felt like the world around me had stunned. What I just heard didn't seem real. I wish she said it was all some kind of a joke. But no it wasn't she sounded serious.

How can someone be this narcissistic and sado-masochistic. I was glad that man was dead. Ethan had told me he was dead but he never mentioned how.

"But how did he die?" I questioned her.

She stayed mute. I thought she must be happy he died, but her eyes said otherwise. She was trying to hide a grief that was evident in her eyes.

Something flashed my mind, something was wrong. Missing.

"What happened to Hunter?" I almost snapped at her although I didn't want to.

Her face changed when I said his name. I think I've figured what she was grieving upon.

" I never imagined I'd be the one revealing this to you. I've never wanted to."

"Elise, no more hiding. Come on break it." Elise breathed out a sigh before she began.

" That day changed everything in forever. David was beyond drunk when he came home, and h-he tried to hurt me. Hunter tried to stop him. And...." She drifted away. Her eyes welled up, she couldn't resist her tears anymore.

"Elise, it's okay if your feeling uncomfortable, we'll talk about this later." I said while holding on to her hands trying to ease her mood.

"No no it's okay, I'm okay Sav, I have to tell you." She spoke firmly even through her tears, to which I nodded.

"Hunter tried to stop him, he tried to help me which only lead to his death. David let out all his anger on him." I was in a great shock. He killed his own son. What kind of human was he? Well turns out he wasn't one.

"Ethan was left all alone after that. He had nobody to talk to. No one to rely on. He had lost the only family he had for his entire life. Then another day when David did the same thing, Ethan could not contain his wrath anymore. He made David pay for his mother and brother's deaths. He killed him."

Minutes had passed and I was still processing her words. Ethan had murdered his own father??!! No it can't be. Ethan's a better person. He's not capable of being a murderer.

"Elise are you serious? You're kidding me right??" I asked her with all the hope I had.

"I'm afraid not dear. But you see he had his reasons. He did not seek revenge for his loss, he just couldn't take it anymore. He set himself free from the hell he was living in. He defended me and he defended himself. I was the only person left that he cared for. He would've completely lost his sanity if his father was still alive."

Elise was right. He didn't know any better. That's the only thing he could've done to free himself. I couldn't blame him for anything. It was not entirely his fault, but that doesn't mean what he did was right. He could've handled it differently but I don't blame him. He had nobody to help him.

Elise spoke suddenly knocking me out of my reverie.
"Ethan was just 16 and I didn't want him to spend his life in prison when it was not his fault. What he did was- was good for him and alot of people. It's not that David was a good person, he did not deserve any better. In fact killing him was too kind for all his deeds." She said with an undeniable rage in her tone.

"So I decided to hide this from everyone just like David had manipulated his wife's and son's death to be an accident. But this was for good. Initially Ethan was against it. He wanted to surrender and confess for what he did. He was in guilt and remorse, and he thought the only way he could feel better was when he surrenders himself. But I talked him out of his decision. After all the suffering, he deserved a good future Savannah. That's all I wanted for him." She inhaled deeply.

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