Under The Tuscan Sun

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            "We loved with a love,
             That's more than love"
                              - Edgar Allan Poe



Ethan walked me through the front porch to this huge Italian suite. When I say huge I mean, like really 'huge'.
We took a private jet from back home, that was a bit lavish for my calibre.
But that wasn't even the best part, I've passed four successful days without having Hunter rubbing his nose on   my life... Our life.....

Okay, this is my first time in Italy, and I'm totally loving it. Ethan insisted that we stayed in Florence, which I now understand why. Florence is the best place I've ever been. Not that I've been to alot of places, but so far this has been the best. I'm feeling like I'm living a classic rom-com movie, only happiness. We've scheduled the sightseeing for next week before we return to Vancouver. For now, it's just us chilling in this ginormous suite.

Despite the tremendous amount of effort I put in, I just couldn't stop thinking about what happened with Hunter. I guess, I'm just curious, because he hasn't showed up since the day I revolted. I'm curious about what was going on in his cryptic mind. Why hasn't he showed up? What bombshell is he planning to throw on me?

"What's is going on in that beautiful mind of yours?"  Ethan interrupted my thoughts. I giggled to what he said, and replied to him...
"Actually that's something similar to what I was thinking about.." I spoke with a sheepish smile on my face trying to look childish.

" Mmm hmm and what is that??" Ethan asked trying to imitate my expression which was hilarious.

"Nothing more important than the dinner.  Okay I'm really hungry. Where are we gonna have dinner?" I successfully diverted him...

"Oh I'm so sorry honey, that's what I wanted to tell you but I just got carried away by your pretty face... Come on now, let's go have dinner." Ethan jumped up on his feet enthusiastically and took my hand in his and directed our way out.

Ethan walked the both of us to an authentic Italian restaurant which was pretty close to our suite.

As we entered the restaurant, I was expecting to get seated on one of those table but it seems Ethan had other plans. We took the elevator and Ethan pressed the button to the top floor. I turned side wards, creasing my brows while lifting my chin up skeptically, to which he just replied with a subtle smile.

When the elevator door clinged open I could see the excitement on Ethan's charming face. I looked ahead of me and was wondering if we had entered the wrong floor or something. The entire floor was empty. Ethan had reserved it exclusively for the both of us. It would be a little melodramatic if I say I was extremely suprised and had happy tears and all. I mean I know Ethan's capable of doing such stuff, although I am surprised, I should admit.

Ethan turned to my side and led out his hand to take mine, just like a gentleman would. I streched my hand out to him, while he led us to a seat that had the best view. Ethan and I comfortably placed ourselves on the leather seats that squeaked a little, as we sat.

Ethan couldn't hold the silence anymore, he grew a little impatient over my silence and broke me out of my  thoughts.
"Are you comfortable babe? Do you even like all of this?" He asked with his eyebrows arched and his eyes opened, as wide as possible.

"Ofcourse... Ofcourse aa- I love it Ethan. But why do you have to spend soo much for me. I mean it's not like I'm a celebrity or a special somebody." I chuckled as I completed that sentence. But Ethan kept quiet, he had this subtle smile pasted on him as I spoke. Once I was done speaking his smile grew wide.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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