Meant To Be Your's

992 23 8

We were together,
I forgot the rest..

- Walt Whitman

Savannah's POV:

I'm awake now... I'm resting against something very hard yet very comforting... I snuggle even more towards it... Realisation hits me, and my memories of last night are sinking in... I'm resting my head against his chest... It feels warm, safe and secured... His sweet scent is something that no-one will want to get away from... I've fallen for him already...

After last night, after all that he had told me, I could feel his love for me... I could feel that it was soo pure, that whatever he did was out of overwhelming love for me...
Being someone who was brought up in an orphanage, I know how it feels to have no one who cares for you.. From what I know, Ethan's got nobody who'd care for him... I know that feeling of void... Nothingness...
It's hard to be put into words...

Nobody has ever loved me, the way he does.. Ofcourse there's Adele, but she's got her life to live... There was never one soul for me... But, the way he cared for me last night, the way he was anxious when my wound was being aided, made me realise how much he loves me... And moreover it made me realise that I had already started loving him...

This feels strange... It feels absolutely strange to know that there's a heart that loves you unconditionally...
A heart that beats for you... And I know I love him too... I know he's the man, I'll be spending the rest of my life with...

I have this similar-strange feel in my heart again... I feel the way I have always felt, whenever Ethan had visited the cafe... Soo, is it like, that I was meant to be his, even before I knew him... Is this what they call fate??!! Then, so be it.. I like my fate..
I love him, and nothing can change that for sure...

I look up at him and see that he's still asleep... He looks like this peaceful sleeping baby... If only he was always like this... He seems angry most of the times... I can change that... I can change him, I can bring him back from his bipolar... I've got hope...
I lay there still not wanting to disturb him...

After a few blissful minutes, he opened his eyes and looked down at me...
"You're awake??" He asked, surprised I was awake...

"Yes, I am.. I saw that you were still sleeping, and I didn't want to disturb you sooo...." I replied..

I pulled away from my position and sat upright next to him.. He was looking at me expectingly and I know for what... He wants answers from me, for which I'm longing to answer... We stare at each other for a few odd moments... Before he broke the silence..

"How does your ankle feel now Savannah?" He asked..

"Yeah, I feel a lot better now.." I replied him, waiting for him to ask my decision...

" Okay, what do you wanna have for breakfast??" He asked me ever so casually..

"Anything is fine.." I smile and nodded at him.. He stares at me for a second or two then gets down from bed to leave... No, I don't want him to leave.. I want him to know I love him... I muster up all the courage I have and call out to him..

"Umm.. Ethan.." he abruptly turned back, completely surprised to hear me call his name..

"Is there anything you wanna say??!!"
He asked me with enthusiasm... He probably knows what I'm about to say...

"Well, about last night, I-I'm sorry I fell asleep and then you couldn't get to your room... I'm sorry about that.."

"No, it's absolutely fine.. Is that what you wanted to tell me??" He let's out a sigh, slightly disappointed...

"No... No, it's not about that... You had asked me something, and I never answered you... You maybe know what I'm trying to tell you... I-I really don't know how or where to start...
Fine... I'll tell you, I don't wanna drag this anymore... I love you Ethan... After all that happened last night... I could not resist falling for you... I just have no idea if anybody else in this whole world would do that for me.. And I am not even sure why I'm doing this and saying this but, I'm madly, deeply, stupidly and whatever-ly in love with you..."

Ethan looks at me in awe... I know how beyond surprised he is right now... Though he knew what I wanted to say, he probably wouldn't have expected those words from my mouth.. He blinks his eyes rapidly, twice or thrice before he spoke...

"You sure about that.. I don't want you to accept me out of compulsion.. Savannah, I'm bipolar did you even think about that.." he spoke, wide eyed..

"I know, I know Ethan.. I know you're bipolar.. But what is not fine with that... Not everything or everybody are perfect... All of us do have some flaw or the other... I don't think that would be a great deal.. I think I can handle that.. How hard can it be...
Even if it is that hard, it's fine with me.. Not being with you will be harder... I'm ready for anything, unless it's with you..."

Ethan smiles at me and oh, that was a beatific one... He looks soo adorable when he smiles... I've never seen him smile, not even once before...
It feels heartwarming to see him smile and I wish to see that smile of his everytime...

He moves closer to me kneeling on the bed, he placed both his hands on either of my cheeks.... He caressed my cheeks with his thumb...
We both stare into each other's eyes for a long moment... This is a blissful moment for the both of us for sure.. The hair on the back of my neck is standing upright...I'm having goosebumps...

He gently rests his forehead against mine and curls his one hand around my waist and the other still caressing my cheek...

"I love you Savannah.."
"You too.."

Although it felt right, I was not getting completely comfortable with it. But I was happy.

Oh how much I wish, that time would stand still, that we freeze right in this moment along with the time...

We remain in the same position for a few prolonged moments before we slowly pulled away, not loosing eye contact...

"You ready for our wedding, baby.."
Ethan asked with an expecting smile..

"Yes.. Yes.. Yes, ofcourse yes..."
I answered enthusiastically, with overwhelming ecstasy....
"But, I really have to let Adelle know, she's been my everything from as far as I remember... And moreover she'd be worried that I didn't get back still.."

"Ofcourse you can go meet her honey,
You can have your time with her, but your ankle has to heal first, then you can go meet her... But we'll call her and let her know, and if you wish she can come over and meet you or even stay with you.."

"That's great, I'd want her to come over and stay with me for a day or two.."

"Fine then, I'll send my driver to go pick her up by this evening, but before that just call her and let her know everything.. Is that alright??"
He spoke with sincerity..

"Thank you, thank you so much Ethan.." I thanked him...

"Anything for you honey.. Now come on, let's have breakfast.."
He got down from the bed and held me carefully in his arms, placed a kiss on my forehead and carried me downstairs..

I'm still in awe of how all this has turned to be... I thought he was my abductor, but turns out he's the love of my life... My better half.. I look deep into his eyes and sink in euphoria... I want this happiness to be continued forever...


Author's note:

Hello readers... Hope you liked this chapter... It has no twist and definitely no revelations, but this chapter has lots of love... Though this one wouldn't have been that interesting, this chapter is special to me, cause I'm very very bad at romantic scenes, yet I've tried my best... But undoubtedly there are such scenes throughout the story and I hope I'd do better... Anyways stay safe guys ❣️❣️ Please do vote and comment... Do need your love and support 💓💓❣️❣️..
Laters guys ❣️❣️❣️

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