𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐥

978 49 3


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Once upon a time, in the heart of Melbourne, lived a divorced couple. Their love story was one for the ages, but like all good things, it came to an end. They parted ways, promising never to cross paths again.

However, fate had other plans.

Cho Miyeon, a successful fashion designer, was on her way to Paris for a fashion show. She was excited and nervous, but she was ready to take on the world. As she boarded the plane, she noticed a familiar face in the seat next to hers. It was Minnie Kim, her ex-wife.

Minnie, a renowned chef, was also on her way to Paris to open her new restaurant. She was surprised to see Miyeon, but she decided to keep her cool.

"M-Miyeon," Minnie said, trying to keep her voice steady. "What a surprise."

"Indeed," Miyeon replied, her heart pounding in her chest. "I didn't expect to... see you here."

"Neither did I," Minnie responded, her voice barely above a whisper. "I guess fate has a funny way of bringing people together."

Miyeon chuckled lightly, "Yes, it seems so. How have you been, Minnie?"

"I've been good. Busy with work, you know how it is," Minnie replied, her gaze fixed on the seat in front of her. "And you? How's the fashion world treating you?"

"It's been a rollercoaster, but I'm enjoying it," Miyeon said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I've been working on this new collection for months. I'm nervous but excited."

"I'm sure it'll be amazing. You've always had an eye for fashion," Minnie complimented, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Thank you, Min. That means a lot," Miyeon said, her heart fluttering at the compliment. "And what about your restaurant? I've heard great things."

Minnie's face lit up at the mention of her restaurant. "Yes, it's been a dream come true. I've always wanted to open a restaurant in Paris. It's finally happening."

"That's wonderful, Minnie. I'm really happy for you," Miyeon said sincerely, her eyes meeting Minnie's.

Their conversation flowed naturally after that. They talked about their dreams, their fears, and their hopes. They laughed, they reminisced, and they even shed a few tears. It was as if they were picking up right where they left off, their past differences momentarily forgotten.

— Upon their arrival in Paris, Miyeon and Minnie decided to explore the city together. They visited the Eiffel Tower, strolled along the Seine, and even had a romantic dinner at a quaint little bistro. It was like they were on their honeymoon all over again.

However, things took a turn when they bumped into an old friend, Jalyn, at a local café. Jalyn was Minnie's best friend and the one who had introduced Miyeon and Minnie. But she was also the reason behind their divorce.

Jalyn had spread rumors about Miyeon having an affair, causing a rift between the couple. It was only after their divorce that they found out the truth - Jalyn was jealous of their relationship and wanted to break them apart.

Seeing Jalyn brought back all the painful memories. Minnie was furious, but Miyeon was calm. She walked up to Jalyn and said, "We know the truth. We know what you did. But we won't let you ruin our happiness again."

Jalyn was taken aback. She tried to apologize, but Miyeon and Minnie didn't want to hear it. They walked away, hand in hand, leaving Jalyn behind.

This incident brought them closer. They realized that they still loved each other and that they were willing to fight for their love. They decided to give their relationship another chance, promising to trust and support each other no matter what.

And so, their Paris trip ended on a high note. They returned to Melbourne, not as ex-wives, but as a couple once again. Their love story was a testament to the fact that love can conquer all, even the most painful betrayals.

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