𝐔𝐧𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞

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I had been fixated on her message for approximately a minute, yet I opted not to reply, choosing instead to disregard it

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I had been fixated on her message for approximately a minute, yet I opted not to reply, choosing instead to disregard it. I have been avoiding any form of communication with her for several weeks, yet she persistently attempts to reach out to me through text messages and phone calls.

I'm looking for you; I'm in your coffee shop, but you're not here."

I let out a sigh as I redirected my attention to her text message. My current demeanor is a result of discovering that they are now in a relationship: the guy whom I disapprove of for her. My dislike towards him is not solely because Miyeon chose him, but also due to the fact that he has been engaging in infidelity. He has proven himself to be unfaithful, as I personally witnessed him kissing another girl last Friday night.

I have grown weary of advising her against being with him, as I firmly believe she will only experience heartache in the end. However, she consistently disregards my warnings, asserting that he would never cause her harm.

— Do you hold any feelings of upset towards me?

"Upset" would be an understatement in describing the intensity of my emotions. I am experiencing a profound sense of anger towards you. It is disheartening to witness your inclination towards believing him rather than placing trust in me.

I'm so tired and hurting all at the same time, Miyeon. Are you blind?

— Min please respond

I find myself at a loss for words in formulating a response to her message. My mind feels devoid of thoughts, leaving me in a state of blankness.

The continuous recurrence of this situation has left me feeling weary and exasperated. I yearn to disappear indefinitely, with no intention of ever returning.

Despite my earnest efforts to support her, it has become evident that all my endeavors were ultimately futile. In the end, she continues to choose him over any other option.

— I'm still here waiting for you. I'll wait for your response.

I berated myself inwardly as I found myself compelled to meet her once again, despite having deliberately ignored her for an entire week.

Uncertainty clouded my mind as to whether I am truly prepared for this encounter. It is difficult to ascertain whether I am ready or not, or perhaps neither. My level of certainty remains uncertain. Nevertheless, this is the moment I must face, as I have no alternative but to meet her.

After a brief drive, I arrived at my coffee shop and parked in my designated private area. Observing her seated in the center, sipping her coffee, I couldn't help but acknowledge her enduring beauty. Whether adorned with makeup or not, she remains captivating in my eyes.

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