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For the next few days Court and his brothers began planning for the solstice feast. Court bounced back and forth between the village and the forest. He had to make sure his parents, the king and queen wouldn't get too suspicious of him not being around.

For the feast they spent their days hunting as well as skinning the sacrifice animals and preparing meals. They made some of the fanciest foods I had ever seen. Court even brought things from the village.

"Ruby, would you mind making pie?" Court asked as he came in setting down the pelt of a moose he had hunted.

I smiled as I stood up and went over to the oven. Court came over as he set down his skinning knife. He washed his hands of the blood before smoothing out his hair. I began working on the pie crust as he turned to me.

"When this feast starts unless your inside, I want you at my side at all times. It's for your own safety." Court told me as I began mushing the berries together to make the filling.

"Understood." I murmured and he smiled at me. Court came over and moved some of my hair behind my ear. 

"I'll be outside if you need me." Court said his finger tracing over my cheek as I froze under his gaze. All I could do was nod as he pulled back before turning around as I sucked in breath before turning back to the pies.

I made the pie fillings before placing the pies in the oven and started baking them once I had the logs in the oven on. After that I went down and sat at the table to wait for them to be done baking for, I could take them out.

I only had one pie left that I could eat so I took a slice while waiting for the pies for the solstice feast. After a bit, the pies were done, and I removed them from the oven before putting out the fire. I checked them all before sitting back down.

Around dinnertime Court came back in to start on a simple dinner for us. He seared some chicken up with some noodles before moving inside to work.

"I made the pies." I told Court as he sat down next to me. He looked over and smiled.

"Thank you, Ruby." Court told me as he took a bite of his chicken and I nodded.

"Do you need help with anything else?" I asked.

Court bit his lip as he looked over at me. "Um, I could use some help with some of the meat outside if you have time." Court told me and I nodded as we returned to eating.

Each day until the solstice more food was brought. I helped Court with skinning some of the animals, mostly I put the meat away for him and helped him cook it. 

Today Xerxes had brought in a large boar which they began roasting as soon as they had it skinned. They put it at a slow roast over a fire before moving back to the rest of the food.

I sat beside Court as he mixed some sauce into the noodles he made as well as placed some of the wine he bought from the village down. "The solstice feast is tomorrow; Lucia had a dress made for you which we will pick up today." Court told me as I looked over at him.

"She made a dress for me?" I asked.

Court nodded. "Yes, I asked her to make one for the feast. We're going to pick it up after dinner." Court told me and I nodded. 

"Thank you, Court." I murmured and he nodded.

We spent the rest of dinner eating before I got my cloak and followed him out. Court went over to Celeste and began saddling him up before lifting me up, placing me on the back, and swinging himself up.

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