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I never felt comforted by the forest, but tonight it is downright terrifying. Every snap of a branch caught my attention even if it was Celeste's hooves coming down. My hands were buried in his mane as he walked through the forest.

All I could do is hold onto him as we continued through the forest.

I was hoping he was bringing me back to the cabin. Once there I could lock him up in his stall and then hide away in the room until Court returned.

Celeste had to know his way home. Court took him out all the time and horses are smart. I put all my faith into Celeste as I held onto him. 

Time faded around me as Celeste walked on. I was tempted to speed him up, but even when on the back with Court it was scary to even trot or canter. I never learned how to properly ride a horse and Celeste didn't have a saddle on either.

I knew I'd fall off if he even went into a trot. All I had to hold onto is his mane and tighten my legs on him. I barely even got myself up onto Celeste. I'm not going to try my luck by speeding up. All I had to do is avoid the wolves and make it home.

I leaned into Celeste as he carried on.

Exhaustion caught up to me as I began to lean forward onto Celeste. He didn't mind though and I felt myself drifting off to sleep on him.

His gait is smooth enough to not bounce me around everywhere. 

"I'm not leaving until I find her!" I was startled awake by a voice.

Celeste had slowed his pace down even more as I looked around. Celeste was faced off in the direction of the light coming from a lantern.

"The only thing I've been given permission is to escort you two out of here. I can't help you find her, it's not my place." I recognized Lyk's voice instantly.

"My love, I'm sure she is safe. But we are not safe out here. The prince didn't keep her alive all this time just to kill her. But we need to leave." It took me a moment before I realized the other two voices were my parents.

Celeste walked over and he broke through the trees.

In front of us stood the three of them. Mom was in front of dad in one of her cotton dresses and her hair falling out of a braid. Dad was in his usual attire and two draft horses were behind them pulling a small cart with some belongings in it.

Lyk stood in front of them in human form. It was weird seeing him in front of my dad since he didn't look that much older. He looked older than Court though. It made me curious on how the wolf-shifters aged.

Lyk looked over as he saw me and stiffened.

"Ruby?"  I didn't know how to respond as mom rushed over and I got off Celeste. I was instantly meeting by her embrace. I stood there as Celeste backed up and snorted before looking off into the trees.

I hugged my mom back before she let go.

"Ruby we're leaving, get in the cart." I was taken back by her sudden demand.

Lyk looked over at mom as dad stared at him shellshocked.

"What?" I asked confused.

"This kind man is directing us out of the forest. We'll be in the cities starting a new life, so get in the cart. You can take the damn horse if you want but get in the cart. We are leaving this cursed place behind."

If this little revolution happened earlier, I might've. If it happened before Court kissed me, before anything happened between us, I would've gotten in the cart.

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