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"The sacrifice seems to have worked well. The wolves have been taking what we put out and no more deaths have appeared." The king noted as Court glanced up.

Court quietly ate his food as he sat at the dinner table. "Your daughter did not die in vain. She has caused more peace to overcome us, and as promised I have rewarded you well. Another horse will be sent out to complete your new home." The king told Ruby's dad.

Court cut up the beef in front of him as he dipped it in the sauce. Only Ruby's dad would come to collect the payments. Her mother stayed at home.

Court managed to ignore any bit of guilt that pricked at him when he came. She could be dead instead of with him. Court told himself that anytime he felt any bit of guilt for having their only child. He could have killed her, but he took pity on her. She was alive and well.

Not that Court could ever tell him that. He didn't even need to question if they would come looking for her and Thorin made it clear he'd kill whatever human stepped into the woods. Court would let the fact that Ruby was with him rot with him. He'd never let that secret out. For everyone's safety.

Court finished his dinner as the king took out a pouch of coins. "And here is your payment." The king said as Ruby's father accepted the bag.

"Thank you." He spoke and the king nodded.

After that he was dismissed as the servants brought in dessert. The chefs had made cherry pie. Court pushed it around his plate as he sliced it up.

The last pie he had eaten was the elderberry pie that Ruby had baked. Court silently sliced up the pie and took a bite. He smiled. The pie was sweet and delicious. This was one thing he loved about being here, the food was good.

Court finished his food and scraped his plate clean before moving it as one of the servants took the plate from him. Court looked up and smiled at the queen, his adoptive mother.

Today she wore one of her silk gowns and had her hair up in curls with a gem comb stuck in it. Even with very few guests the queen always tried to keep her appearance beautiful. Court never understood why she found beauty in such complicated items.

He thought Ruby looked gorgeous in her simple dresses that Lucia had made her. But getting fabric like that here wasn't possible. A lot of Ruby's clothes had fur accents.

The only fur here would be the few pelts of animals that had wandered in. His adoptive father's attempt at showing power. Court's eyes looked over at the pelt of the bear. He could see his father passing out if Court showed off his hunting prizes.

Court didn't hunt bears very often. They tended to be incredibly temperamental and Court wasn't fond of dealing with them. The most he had hunted were a few male bears who had come across the cabin and decided to forage around there.

At that point Court took pleasure in ending the intruders on his land.

Court shook his head as he ran a hand through his hair. He would be leaving soon. They would think he was asleep, but Court had perfectly planned everything out to leave without ever being caught. His mom would come in about a half an hour after he went to 'sleep' to check on him.

After she did her check, she would go to sleep which gave Court his chance to get out. Court always came back in the morning and typically brought something with him as well. It made them less suspicious.

Once dinner was done Court returned to his room and put on his night clothes and got into bed. He waited for his mom to come in and check on him. Soon she opened the door and came over to the bed and smiled.

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