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Court led me out into a small room with a wooden bookshelf mounted up on the right side. It was filled with leather bound books.

"This is where the books are. No one goes in here much besides Lyell." Court said as I walked up to the bookshelf.  "The room is always unlocked so you can come in here whenever. Not very comfortable though. " Court noted.

I removed a book and opened it. A simple fiction books. Good enough for me. I'd take anything over just sitting on the bed daydreaming about my old life and all the things I had done before coming here. Not that I did much.

The only difference now is I had no animals to help feed and I'm confined to one room. But it could be worse. I could be dead.

"Thank you." I murmured and Court nodded.

"I would like to check your bandages." Court said and I nodded as he led me back to his room. Then we entered the bathroom as he pushed my dress down before unwrapping the bandages and throwing them away.

He turned to me. The bite had completely scabbed over. Some of it was beginning to flake off. Court smiled. "It's looking better." He reached behind him and rebandaged it with the bandages he grabbed.

"It'll heal into a scar. Nothing extreme though. Just a simple bite mark." Court's smile while saying it unnerved me.

I recalled the night. Two wolves. One pure white with golden eyes. . . exactly how Lyell looks. Lyell has white hair and bright golden eyes. Then there was the deep brown wolf with amber eyes. Were the appearances of the wolves based off the person?

I glanced at Court. He had deep brown hair with little bits of dark red tints in it. Then he had amber colored eyes. 

"Were you the one who did it?" I asked and Court glanced up.

"That bit you?" Court asked and I nodded. "If it were Lyell the one who did it you wouldn't be in this room. You would be in his room." Court answered. I watched him closely as he let go of my arm and took a step back.

"I wouldn't be here with you. And Lyell was the only other wolf there at that time." Court watched me.

I had no idea what to say. There were things I wanted to say but I was unsure on how to say them. I didn't want to upset him. Court seemed calm most of the time, but I had no idea how he would really react if something happened and pissed him off.

And I didn't want to find out. Court exited the bathroom and I followed him readjusting my dress as I went over to the bed and sat down. Court went over to his closet as I opened the book to read. 

"Court." I spoke shutting the book and he turned to me.

"Yes?" Court asked.

"Am I always going to be here?" I asked and Court watched me.

"Well I don't plan to live in this cabin forever. I do want to have my own, so probably not." Court said and I watched him. "But that's not what you meant I'm assuming?" Court asked. I nodded.

"You can't go back. As far as their concerned your dead. Your parents are mourning your death and that's the safest thing for them to do." Court responded and I nodded. He shifted as he watched me before pushing his hair back.

"How are my parents?" I asked.

"They live in a house closer to town. My father gave them a draft gelding to help with the crops they are now growing." Court answered and I nodded.

"They will survive without you Ruby. They will mourn you until they die no doubt. It's not easy to lose a child but they will survive." Court spoke in a flat tone as he watched me. He took in a deep breath.

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