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After putting my cloak on Court took me outside. He was saddling up his horse as I stood silently behind him. Court spread the blanket out behind the horse before he turned to me and lifted me onto his horse.

Court got up before gathering the reins. He had attached two baskets to each side of his horse's saddle to collect the fruit and vegetables in.

Court trotted the horse down a path in the woods. My hands grasped the bottom of his linen shirt as he silently rode on. We sat there on the horse riding before he stopped at a patch of bushes lined with all sorts of berries were.

Court slowed his horse down to a stop before he got off and helped me down. He turned around and brought his horse over to a branch and tied the reins to it before breaking of a branch of leaves for him to eat.

"Come on, I'll show you the berries that are safe to eat." Court spoke as he offered his hand.

I took it as he brought me over to the berries after grabbing one of the baskets. Court led me over to the bushes as he stopped at the first one. The berries hanging on that bush were in clusters and were black.

"These are elderberries. They are safe to eat, and then these ones," Court paused as he pointed at a red-pink colored berry, "They are cloud berries, also safe to eat." Court smiled at me.

He set the basket down next to me as I reached and began picking the elder and cloud berries from the bushes. Court watched me as he walked around the bushes admiring each berry while looking back over at me.

"These ones are holly berries, don't pick them, they will make you sick." Court spoke turning back over to me.  I made a note to stay away from those red berries.

Court went over to his horse as I sat in the grass picking berries from the bushes. He kept his gaze on me though. "There are more spots to pick from as well Ruby, there are numerous patches of berry bushes and a few fruit trees as well. Lucia also has some wild grape vines on her house." Court spoke and I looked up.

I plucked a few more cloud berries before getting up and handing him the basket. Court reattached the basket as before helping me back up on the horse. He untied the reins before swinging himself up on the horse and urging him to trot away. My hands remained around Court's waist.

Court continued through the forest as I rested against him. The sun had risen in the sky and casted it's light down in the forest. 

The forest is beautiful. Little creatures ran throughout it and birds sung in the trees. It seemed so peaceful here, as if the wolves didn't exist here. But considering one sat right in front of me I knew better than to think that.

"Are the king queen aware you are out here?" I asked breaking the silence.

Court glanced back at me. "No. As far as they are concerned, I go on rides every day with Celeste. Occasionally I bring things back from town to make it seem like I had bought a few things. They have no need to be aware of what I am. It's better that way." Court answered.

I nodded at that as he continued riding through. I sat silently through the ride as he trotted his horse through the forest. Soon he stopped at another patch of berries and a few fruit trees. He slowed Celeste down instantly upon seeing the three deer munching on grass.

There was a doe, a stag, and then the fawn at the doe's side. Court pulled Celeste to a stop before he dismounted and set the reins on the saddle. He went over to the group of deer who looked up.

Celeste stomped the ground as I held onto the back of the saddle. Court went up to the deer as the stag turned around and straightened up. 

"Hold Celeste's reins." Court spoke. I moved forward and grabbed Celeste's reins as he backed up away from the group of deer. Court went over keeping his eyes on the stag who raised himself up. Anxiety crept inside me as he neared the stag.

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