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The days went on peacefully with little to no incidents happening. Soon enough the full moon was approaching once more. I had been out here for numerous full moons now. I knew exactly what happened on them.

However, two days before Court came to talk to me. He always spent time with me, even more so since that night where we had come close to doing things.

This time he was just looking to talk.

"You busy?" Court asked as he came in with two plates of food in his hands.

"I'm not." I told him and Court came into our room. In his hands Court had some seasoned meat along with noodles and a slice of bread to go with. 

"I made you lunch." Court told me.

"Thank you." I accepted the plate from him as Court sat down with me.

"I'll be gone tomorrow. But I'll be back the next day. My parents have something important planned; I don't know what it is, but I can't miss it. So, I won't be here tomorrow, but I will be back before the full moon." Court told me.

"That's fine." I told him and Court smiled.

"I just wanted to tell you, so you didn't worry when I'm not here for that day. But I'll be back the next day, I promise. My mom won't have anything planned so I'll be able to come back." Court told me as he smiled.

Court went to lengths he didn't have to in order to make me comfortable. He balanced his double life more so than when I lived in the village. He really is the sweet on me. 

"Thank you for caring." I told him and Court smiled.

"Of course.  Since I'll be gone tomorrow, I wanted to take you out today. With the full moon close you won't be able to go out much so I thought now would be the best, once you're finished with lunch get dressed and come meet me outside." Court told me before he left leaving me to get ready.

Once I was done with my lunch, I put on one of the warm dresses and then my red cloak before meeting up with Court outside. He had taken Celeste out and was tacking him up when I came outside.

Court smiled at me as I came over keeping my cloak around me for warmth. He tightened Celeste's girth and tested it out before he motioned me over and lifted me up onto Celeste before getting on himself.

"Where are we going?" I asked wrapping my arms around his waist as he pushed Celeste forward.

"It's a surprise. Just hold onto me." Court told me turning to me a smile tugging at his lips. He positioned my arms around him better before he pushed Celeste off into a gallop through the forest.

We rode on through the forest passing numerous trees. This time Court went in the opposite way of Lucia's cabin. 

"What lays beyond Lucia's cabin?" I asked him as Court slowed Celeste down to a trot.

"Thorin's territory. Lucia sits right near the middle. Our territories wrap around the village. Thorin's would be more towards the north, near your old house." Court explained.

"Does that mean my grandmother's house is there?" I asked.

"Most likely. It's probably how she met Lyk." Court told me and I nodded.

I leaned forward and rested my chin against Court's shoulder while holding onto his waist. My fingers were holding onto his trousers. We continued forward moving throughout the forest before Court pulled up in front of some trees.

He dismounted before helping me down. On my way down my foot slipped on some of the snow and Court caught me right before I would fall. 

"Careful." Court murmured as I steadied myself on him.

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