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Along with some syrup being made I ended up baking a pie. I used the berries and Court helped me with putting it in the brick oven they had. Once it was done, I put it out and let it cool off before returning to the room.

For the next few days, I spent time attempting to make myself some small bits of food. I ended up making myself some tea from some dried berries and put the raw honey in it.

I was currently drinking tea once more when Court came out his hair damp from taking a bath. He shook his hair before going over to where Xerxes had left out food for lunch. Court turned to me.

"Can you help me with Celeste again?" Court asked and I nodded as I set the tea down.

I followed Court outside to Celeste's stall as he removed his horse and handed him over to me. I accepted Celeste who looked over and nudged me. "Here you go bud." Court turned to him and handed Celeste an apple who was quick to eat it.

"You can walk him around and let him graze if you want." Court told me as he began shoveling out the shavings and manure from Celeste's stall. I nodded as I began walking Celeste around to let him graze.

I glanced back at Court every now and then to see how far he was with cleaning out the stall. Celeste tore up some grass as he stopped and looked at me. I smiled at him as he tore up some more and we continued walking around.

Soon Court had finished cleaning out the stall and we put Celeste back in. Court closed the door and turned to me.

"Thank you for helping me with him." Court smiled and I nodded at that.

"Your welcome." I murmured as he smiled at me.

His smile was soft as he stared at me. "How is your shoulder?" Court asked pointing over to where he had bitten me on the night of the sacrifice. I still couldn't piece it together why he had done it.

"It's mostly healed up." I told him and Court nodded.

"Can I look?" Court asked and I nodded.

Court came over and moved my dress aside until the scar was revealed. His finger traced over it making me shiver. Court glanced at me before looking back at the scar tissue. He smiled before pulling back.

"It looks like it healed well." Court said as he turned around.

I looked up just as I heard a branch crack and Court's eyes moved over to the forest as he let out a small curse.

Then a large black wolf with bright blue eyes emerged. Court swiftly stepped in front of me as the large wolf walked over. He kept in front of me blocking me from the vision of the wolf. I peeked out the side keeping hidden.

I watched as the wolf jerked upwards as cracking appeared before a tall man appeared with black hair and bright blue eyes. He walked forward.

"So, the rumors my pack mates have told me are true?" He asked walking forward.

"That depends on the rumors Thorin." Court responded as he remained in front of me. Thorin smiled as he looked behind Court where I stood.

"You have a human here. I thought they may be bluffing, but there seems to be a human girl cowering behind you." Thorin paused a few feet away from Court who watched him. Court remained in front of me.

"There is a human girl here, is there a problem with that?" Court asked.

Thorin continued trying to look around Court at where I stood behind him. I kept still now and stayed completely engulfed behind Court.

"I believe no humans are supposed to be out here infringing on our territory." Thorin smiled at Court. "Most humans are killed once they get brave enough to step foot into here, yet here you are hiding her. Have you gone soft for them?" Thorin asked.

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