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"Today is the day we should make our move Isaac. With all the studying I've done of them they will be the least active now." Aron told Isaac as Flynn set down three bows, he had managed to steal from some of the guards.

Although Flynn didn't like the term stealing. He considered it borrowing especially since one of his older brothers is a guard. He should have the right to use the weapons to defend himself.

"Right near the full moon?" Isaac asked swinging down his axe on a piece of wood.

"Yes. It sounds crazy but it makes sense, they preserve their energy towards the sacrifice so two days before the sacrifice which is today would be the best time to track one, maybe even hunt one. Flynn even got the good arrows." Aron grinned as he showed Isaac the arrows.

"Wait we are hunting one?" Flynn asked.

Defending himself from a wolf is one thing, but hunting is another. Flynn never liked anything that could get him dirty, and he read all the books about the wolves in the forest and how dangerous they could be.

"What else would we do?" Isaac asked turning the tables of Flynn letting him know he'd be outvoted.

"Isn't this all about the prince?" Flynn questioned.

"Yes, it is about the prince but imagine the benefits that we'd get if we brought in the carcass of one on the wolves. It could mean no longer being in their grasp." Isaac told Flynn who shifted nervously.

He thought they were simply scouting the forest out for the signs of the prince or any nearby animals. He never would've agreed to help if he knew Aron and Isaac were intending to hunt one of the wolves.

Flynn had never seen the wolves before. Most people hadn't though. But he heard stories and knew how dangerous they could be. Hunting them is a fool's mission.

However, Flynn had a feeling the two wouldn't be letting him leave. So reluctantly Flynn handed over the good arrows his father crafted. His father was good at numerous things including tailoring clothes and making fine arrows.

They never went hunting but he enjoyed making the arrows and artfully crafted bows.

"Do we have all our supplies?" Isaac asked as they all took their own bow and Flynn gave them arrows to use. 

"We do, now we just have to saddle up the horses and sneak off." Aron mused.

They all had their own horse with them. Isaac had taken one of his parent's draft horse, a large black and white shire horse. Aron had a tall grey dapple horse and Flynn had taken his father's brown Arabian stallion.

Once they had their supplies all sorted out and, on the horses, Isaac pressed forward, and they kept to the less populated roads before the forest loomed in front of them.

"Here we are." Isaac murmured looking forward at the forest.

"Has anyone ever successfully gone in here and come out?" Flynn asked as he kept his hands tight on his horse's reins.

"We're going to be the first." Aron declared with a grin.

"Come on boys, let's stick together and not break apart. We'll be safer that way." Isaac ordered as he wrapped the stolen bow from a guard around him.

With that word they rode into the dark forest.

"How have things been?" Court looked up as the queen; his mother asked him yet another question

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