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Court came back around noon riding on Celeste. I was in the kitchen eating some of the pie when he came through the door. Court smiled at me as he came in and shut the door.

I finished the pie before putting the plate in the sink. Court watched me as I turned back around. "Lucia told me she has some more clothes made for you if you want to come with me to get them." Court offered and I nodded.

I went to the room and got dressed before meeting Court outside where he had Celeste all saddled up. Court came over and lifted me up onto the blanket on the back of Celeste before he got up and steered Celeste away.

He pushed Celeste forward and trotted through the woods. I kept my arms at his waist holding onto his jacket. Court kept his eyes on the trail as I kept my arms on his jacket. He remained quiet as Celeste trotted through the woods until we arrived at Lucia's cabin.

Court swung himself off before tying Celeste to one of the trees and helping me down. As he approached Court paused before sniffing the air and shaking his head. "Stay with me Ruby." Court said grabbing my hand as he pulled me behind him.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"She has company." Court went up and knocked on the door and Lucia opened it and smiled before motioning us in.

"Good to see you Court." Lucia smiled at him as she let the two of us in. Court kept his hand in mine as he looked into the living room where a woman sat on the couch stretched out across it her eyes closed.

She opened them, looked at Court, and straightened herself up.

"You didn't tell me Court was coming over." She noted.

"I didn't know when he was coming over." Lucia turned to her. I looked up at Court as he kept me behind him as she stood up.

"Lotus." Court stated and she smiled at him.

"So, what Thorin said was true, you took a human." The woman who I assumed to be Lotus came over. Court wasn't as stiff with her as he was with Thorin, but he remained in front of me. "I didn't think the females were low enough for you take a human." Lotus smiled.

Court watched her. "But you like humans, you do live with them, I wouldn't be surprised if you've gotten attached to them. . . in the same way they do to their dogs." Lotus smiled as Court shook his head.

"Lotus, be nice." Lucia said and Lotus glanced over.

"Yes mother." Lotus walked back over to the couch as Court let go of my hand and walked over to Lucia. Lotus watched me as I followed behind him. 

"You said you have some more clothes for Ruby." Court spoke and Lucia nodded.

"Yes, I've gotten some new material, Lotus brought me some today as well, but I made some more for her. Here they are." Lucia removed some dresses from her table and handed them over to Court who accepted them.

"Thank you, Lucia." Court thanked her giving her a smile and Lucia nodded.

Court turned to me and motioned for me to make my way to the door. I went over as Lotus watched Court.

"It was nice seeing you Court." Lotus spoke and Court glanced over at her. 

"Feeling's not mutual." Court responded making Lotus laugh.

"I missed your humor Court." Lotus responded and Court rolled his eyes as he adjusted the dresses in his grip. She looked over at me. "What's her name?" Lotus asked and Court looked over at me.

"Ruby." Court answered and Lotus nodded.

"Have a good day you two." Court said before he guided me out of the house and put my dresses away in Celeste's saddlebag. Court turned to me and helped me up onto Celeste before he untied Celeste and steered him away before we returned to the cabin.

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