So sorry I haven't written in a while. But don't worry I am still here. I am going to finish this short-story.
I woke up with Jennifer at my side. She was smiling at me. Her perfect smile. Her pretty brown eyes reflected everything she saw. After a minute or so, I started to fuss about the truck missing. I know it wasn't her fault, but we are in desperation of that truck if it every went missing.
We walked all over LasVegas trying to look for the stupid Vegas Strip. After walking an hour we finally reached or destination. We found the truck, parked in the same friggin' place where we left it, luckily no one messed with it. I kindly opened the door for Jennifer. I got in the truck and started up the engine. I was planning to taker her back to the motel, but that doesn't seem right. I mean, shes been good and shes been trapped in the motel all day. Then I remember that there was this awesome place where I could take her. Should I? I could get in trouble for this. I worked up enough nerve to take the road to the cool place. Then Jennifer interrupted my thoughts.
"Were are we going?"
"Don't you wanna go on a little joy ride? Or go back to the motel?"
She said yes. I was so relieved that she said yes. Maybe I could get to know her more, or is she still interested in Todd?
We finally got to the place, it was an over-look or the big city. I turned on the radio to get rid of the awkward silence. I noticed that she closed her eyes. Oh my god is she bored? Am I boring? I didn't know what to do. So I touched her hand, then the next thing I know, I was holding her hand, and starring into her eyes. She looked at me for a while. Shit, this is awkward.
"Nothing." I didn't know what to tell her. I wanted her so bad.
"Well, your starring at me like a zoo animal." Holey crap. She must think that I think there is something wrong with her.
"Oh sorry, its-its just that your so-so, wonderful."
"Thank you."
She started to blush. I love that she took everything so sweet, and never thought bad of it, or so I think. I hope I am not sending mixed signals. We sat, I was in my own little world. Then my phone rang. I looked at the caller I.D. it was Todd, great what does this jackass want.
"Where the fuck are you! Jennifer is gone!"
"Hey, don't worry, were just looking for the truck. We will be right back."
"Okay. Hurry the hell up! You and Daemon have to leave like right now!"
"Okay, okay."
I hung-up the phone, and once again I started to starre at Jennifers eyes. I got lost in her eyes, I loved the flecks of green in her irisis, shes so pretty. Why does she like someone like me?
Ok! its time I kiss her, and make her mine! I leand close to her. I looked down at her and she looked at me. I could see the passion in her eyes.
"Kiss me already."
I cupped her face and kissed her. I sent her plenty of kisses, I didn't know what to do when this kissing get old. So I bite her lip. Am I bitting to hard? Am I hurting her? Should I stop? Is this attractive? I hope so. I pulled back. God I am a nervous wreck.
She pulled me back to her, Oh she wants my dick. No, she don't want me. Yes-Yes! She does. Or what am I thinking. Shes still a teenager.
I kissed her once more. I pulled back and put the key in the ignition, and went back to the motel.
Once we were at the parking lot of the motel. I shut off the engine. She hopped out. Her hair swung around her slim waist. She smiled at me brightly. All the lights gave her eyes a beautifull color. She was about to close the door. Then she saw I was in the truck looking at her.
"Are you coming?" She said out of amusment. She dosen't care. She hates me. Right? I know she calls me a jerk and other names.
"Yeah be there in a bit."
I watched her as she enterd the room. Her little hip swing, blew me away. I looked around and saw everyone walking the streets. Then I put my head on the stirring wheel. I place my hands on it too. I let out a sigh. I started to think of my family if they still hate me. I started to think if Jennifer told the other guys, more in likely they will tell master. I wonderd if he will kill me if he finds out that I stole a kiss from her. I started to think of home. I remember my pictures of my lovely house, in the dense part of the forest. I missed everyone. I really didn't want to be her right now, but then I am kinda glad that I am. I met Jennifer. Then I had a little fake mini heart attack. I had a back-flash of my wife. No not now.
Oh yeah, Alex has a wife. Wife? Yes a wife. I know this is a bit of a drag, and another short chapter. But there will still be more.
-Megan S.

RomanceJenna, the typical small-town rich girl, is kidnaped by some not-so-bad guys and is forced to spend a entire trip with them traveling to their ''boss's'' house, but while one of the kidnappers has been keeping a close eye on her. Will these two star...