I ran to Todd, and he held me tightly in his arms. I loved his grip and how he never let me go till Daemon called us over to the truck. I liked Todd...even though he kidnapped me and put medicine in me, ha-ha. This is the wired mind of me Jeniffer. Todd held on to me as we walked to the truck. He opened the door for me, after Alex rudely closed it right before we got there. Todd grabbed my waist and helped me into the truck. He closed the door like a gentle men.
Alex looked at me pissed, he huffed.
I wondered what was his problem. Yeah he saved me from that stranger, but in my mind he's still a butt-face. I sat there quietly looking out the window. Why are these guys not so worried about me escaping? Was it 'cause I didn't run-off with the guy that was about to the unmentionables? Or they knew I wasn't gonna run away again. I'm noting saying that I'm not going, or that I love the attention of these five guys. But when I have a real good opportunity I will take it. Besides, I kinda like it...being with them, there like brothers, maybe Todd way closer to me than brothers. We drove in a dessert looking place, I never been here before.
"Where are we?"
"A couple of miles out of Albuquerque, New Mexico." Todd said clam driving in heavy traffic
"But that's not a good way to go to Oregon?"
"Yeah, but were taking a detour, after this were going to Flagstaff, Arizona then to... LAS VEGAS!"
"Nice! I always wanted to go there!"
"Oh, sweetie. Your staying in a hotel in Las Vegas. We can only go out and about. I'm sorry."
"B-but, please."
"I'm very sorry. But I'm certain that you will go to Las Vegas when your with Master."
"Master? Who is he, I hear his name in every conversation you have. Who is this guy?"
Todd paused before answering my question. That got me kinda worried.
"He's a sex slave trader, he's always out for young pretty blood, like yourself."
"Oh...my..g-god-gosh. Are you serious?"
"Nope." Todd said seriously, then a big grin turned on his face.
"You like this don't you?"
"Like what?"
"Teasing me... Your just ascetic."
"Ascetic? and what does that mean?"
"A person who dedicates his or her life to do something; You, yes you, Sir your just out there to downbeat me."
"No, no way I'm not like that."
"Okay, If you say so."
Ten minuets passed by, I could see the city lights. With the ending of the rocky mountains, so beautiful. All the guys go excited of the wonderful view. Man, I should really take a picture of this. HEY! Wheres my camera?
"Wheres my camera?"
"Uh, what camera?" Daemon said sheepishly.
"The one I had when I was kidnapped? Where is it?"
"I have no idea...you must have dropped it when we captured you." Todd add in.
"No, that was my favorite you have to get it for me!" I was kinda getting angry.
"Sorry, but we can't were already late to hand you over to Master and were hundreds of miles away from your home town." Daemon said, trying to make sense of my argument.
"We need to stop at a place and get me a camera!"
"Okay this is stupid..." Daemon said.
We entered the big city, I loved this place.
Todd turned to a housing road, to go to Flagstaff. It didn't look like a nice road, it had pot-holes in it and cracks in the road that can instantly ruin your tires.
"Why can't we stay a night in Abq?"
"We have to be at flagstaff by tonight, and spend the rest of the day in Las Vegas."
"Did you know that, I saw a flagstaff turn off, in that town Gallup?"
"Uh, no? Why didn't you tell us, we could have been in Flagstaff by now!" Todd said sternly
Daemon sighed, Alex was asleep, and the two other guys were asleep as well.
"I'm sorry, I thought you knew."
"Its okay." Todd said reassuringly
I sat there quit as Daemon and Todd talked, I was thinking about my dad. I wonder if he's looking for me? I wonder if he even noticed that I am missing? He's got to.
I fell asleep after all my thought cleared my mind.
I woke up from a dream, that I was walking in a pretty every green forest. I leaned over to check what time it was.
Oh gosh, already. My butt was so tired of sitting, I haven't took a shower in days. My breath must have smelled dreadful. My face was greasy. My hair is all tangled. Todd was still awake. Daemon was snoring like a train blowing it's horn. Alex was starting to lean on me, but he was asleep. The other guys were knocked out. These poor things there so tired.
"I know you must be very, very tired. Would you like me to drive?"
"Ha, I can't let you drive you mite try to escape, or worse get us all killed."
"You guys still don't trust me?" I felt kinda hurt by what he said. But really? I had so many other chances to run, but I didn't.. That was pretty cool what I thought right there. Only if Todd heard.
My sleepy eyes got the best of me once again, I fell asleep.
Also this is a short story, This book will end in a couple more chapters. This feels awful that I'm already telling you that this book is going to end. Also tell me how you like it, and tell me things that can improve on, or in. Hope your like :)
-Megan S.

RomantikJenna, the typical small-town rich girl, is kidnaped by some not-so-bad guys and is forced to spend a entire trip with them traveling to their ''boss's'' house, but while one of the kidnappers has been keeping a close eye on her. Will these two star...