Chapter26- There's Someone I've been missing(Alex P.O.V.)

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    I found a bus that will take me to that small town, where I had met my future and my fate. Some hours later I finally arrived at the bus station in Durango. I asked the attendant where would be a nice hotel and restaurant. She had directed me 3 miles down the road. I grabbed my duffel bag out of the locker and went on walking. I began to notice that every person was very kind and generous in this town. Some people offered me money, I am guess that they thought I was in need of some kind of support. I reached out for my phone and checked what time it was.

7:40 am

   This was too early for me to be so energetic, I walked with a hop in my stride. I  never found a hotel like I was expecting, but many motels. I found a motel where it looked like I won't be killed in my sleep. I checked in and went to a McDonald's across the street. I grabbed my wallet and looked in side to see the very few money I had, maybe I should have taken that money those people offered. Damn.

   I sat in the fast-food place for an hour. I thought about Jenna. I thought all about the 'what if's' scenarios that might happen. I ordered coffee and a breakfast burrito. I ate quickly, I was very hungry. I haven't ate since yesterday. I leaned back into the chair and glanced at everyone around me like I was some kind of nervous wreck about to explode. Well, to tell you the truth I wanted to explode. I wanted to yell and shout that there is someone right now on this plant that I am going to be with pretty soon. I raised from the seat and gathered the my trash. I looked up for a split second and there was some guy looking at me like I just killed someone. He starred at me till he broke, by rushing out the door. Wow, that was bazaar. I went out and looked around to see what this tiny-town has to offer. Yep, that's what I thought; not much of a town more like a village.

   I put my hands in my jacket pockets and crossed the street back to the hotel. I saw a bench on the side walk, I decided to sit and take in the towns beauty. I looked around at all the young people having fun with there partners. I felt heartbroken by seeing them sharing all they have to give and all they can give to that special person by their side. Why should I be heartbroke? Am I not the one who left Jenna? Yes...Yes I am. Just that thought made me feel like a sinner, like a criminal, I felt like a horrible person for doing this to another humane being. I think that I will never forgive myself for doing this. I then suddenly saw that guy from McDonald's, he was still starring at me. Seriously? Who is this freak? I gave him the what-you-looking-at look. He was standing across from me, he then ran over to me.

"Why you keep looking at me?"


"You better keep those queer eyes off of me." I said in a demanding way. This poor kid.

"Are you Alex by chance?" He words shocked my entire body, I leaned in to him.

"Yes. Why?"

"I am Tucker, I am Jenna's friend. Well more like close friends. I have heard many things about you... You  are a very bad person."

"Jenna." Her name was all I can say, all I thought of.

"Yeah, do you still lover her?"

"Y-Yes I do. I came here to apologise and maybe get back together. Can you take me to her?"

"Yeah I can follow me. I will drive you."

   I followed this guy to his car, he drove pretty fast for his age.

"You know that Jenna talks about you like you put the stars in the sky."

"She dose?"

"Yep, if I were you I would have never left her. Why did you leave?"

"I-I had unfinished business to take care of."

   We arrived to her big mansion of the hill. I jumped out of the car, as if it was going to explode. I ran up the few stairs and rang the doorbell. No answer, dammit. I begun to bang against the door. I heard someone shout from the inside of the house.

"I am coming!"

   I stood back from the door and waited some seconds. The door flew open and there she was. I saw that she jerked back a little bit but still holding her place. My heat began to pound in my chest, I slowing walked up to her. I was halfway into the house, then she slammed the door in my face. It had knocked me back outside. I quickly grabbed the knob before she had a chance of locking the door on me. I pushed hard on the door, nudging my way in.

"Jenna...Jenna...Jenna, I am so sorry. For everything, I am sorry that the world is not a kind place for a innocent person like you. Please forgive me."

   She stood a distance away from me, he eyes looked so sad to see me. Her lips parted and she fell to the floor. I raced down to her side, and held her in my arms. She was wearing her sweats and a Hollister shirt. Her beautiful brown hair was tied back in to a pony-tail. She started to cry in my arms, I too began to shed a tear. Her being Jenna, she started to hit me on the chest. But that won't stop me from loving her. I want her to know that she has someone here to wrap  her arms around.

"Hold on to me don't you ever let me go." I whispered into her ear. She instantly stopped the hitting, but now she was pushing away from me.

"Hold on to me tight." I again said to her.

"I-I can't."

"Please, I promise it will be alright."

"When?" She had stopped crying. Her shattering voice left me vulnerable to plead for forgiveness.

"I am not sure, but I promise you that I won't give up."

   She looked up at me, her eyes were tired look, like she has been upset for quiet sometime. She closed her eyes.

"God knows I am tough, and that I am still looking up."

"Sweetie, when I see you cry its I have just died a million times."

"I am not crying, I never cry. I am strong."

"Cry it only means you have been strong for too long." I talked soothingly to her, and hoped that she will forgive me.

   She opened her eyes again an she looked me straight in the eye. Her long eyelashes sweep against her cheeks every time she blinked. I pulled her closer to me and I held her in my arms. I sat with my legs crossed while she sat my legs with her extending out. I pulled off the hair-tie and played with her hair, while she started to sleep. The door was still open, I leaned back and gave it a slight push. I watched her sleep in my arms.

"I won't give up on us even if the road gets rough." I said under my breath.

   My legs began to fall asleep, I slowly put her on to the floor while I got up. I did a stretch and picked up Jenna. I carried her to the couch. I put her in between me and the sofa. I too then fell asleep. My last thought was, I want to fix her broken heart. So we can start this all over again.

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