Chapter6- Again, Really?

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I woke up the next morning, dazed and confused. I was once again in a room with very little light. But it wasn't cold, nor was I  sitting on cement. My legs were together but not tired up. I moved them around, I was in a bed. I felt the pillow my head was resting on. I lifted my arm out of the sheets, and reached out in front of me, again because there was very little light. I reached down I could feel the carpeted floor, my fingertips lightly searched the carpeted, I felt my shoes. I positioned my self to lay on my back, I looked into darkness. I kicked around under the covers. I was think of all the places could be. I lay on my left side and kicked around. Then I felt something harry, and prickly, what was this? I lightly scraped my toes against this thing. My curiosity got the best of me, so I kicked it.

"What the hell?"

"Who's there!"

I started kicking and kicking, why am I in bed with this stranger? I was frantic.

"Fucking stop!"

This person grabbed my legs, all though I was still kicking, I swear I must have kicked this person in the face. They were very strong, this must be a guy. The lights turned on and I couldn't see very well of thissudden brightness. I was squinting to see who this was. The guy grabbed my ankles and stood up dragging my under the covers. I reached for the top of the covers trying to get out of the messy sheets. When I did, it was once again bright. Really? Again? I had nothing to say but...

"Let me go!"

"Then stop fucking kicking!"

Once I did the guy threw my legs to my right, and almost made me fall off the bed.

"Who are you?" I tried to focus my eyes on the guy, but could barley see. All I could see was this tall figure standing in front of me.

"Its Alex."

Alex, That's right, hes that jerk!

"Why are you sleeping next to me?"

"Because I was told to."

I could hear some rustling in the background. I sat up, and looked around. It was Daemon. Daemon was sleeping peacefully in his own bed, maybe until I woke him up, with Alex's manly-girlie screaming. Alex had a white t-shirt on him, and some blue long pajamas on. He looked pretty tense, and his bed head hair looked pretty sexy on him, I must admit. Daemon lay up on a push-up position on his elbows.

"Whats going on?" Daemon said squinting sheepishly.

"Well, she started kicking me like a lunatic."

"Dude, really? She just a kid, she probably had a bad dream of running out of barbies to play with."

How could they say that right in front of me? Do they not know I'm right here? Alex reached down and was pushing buttons of a radio, he cocked his head to look at me, with his right arm flexing. That's pretty hot. What? What am I thinking, this guy is an bleep-bleeper!

Daemon sat up on his bed.

"Hey? Are you hungry?"

I was so stuck in my own little world, I completely ignored Daemon's question.


I was kinda frightened by his loud voice. Alex and Daemon both looked at me like I was a stupid rich girl, which I am not.

"Oh sorry, I was day-dreaming. Um yeah I'm starving!"

"Good, I am too!" Daemon chuckled, and said sarcastically.

That pushed my over the edge, I was about to kill someone right now. Good, I am too! What an idiot.

"Why are you all jerks, and I thought you were nice; Daemon!"

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