I sat in the car for hours looking at the scenery passing me by. Alex listened to his Country music, as all ways. We had eaten all our snacks. Its been nearly 3 minutes since I last ate, and I am completely starving, I need to find some food fast or else my tummy is gonna hurt. I searched around the car for some kind of editable snack. I found nothing, but wrappers of delicious goodies. I flopped back in my seat, I gave a huff.
"What's wrong?"
"I am starving! We need to eat fast."
"W-What? You just ate an entire meal like you were going to the electric chair." Alex gave a chuckle and a cute smirk.
"No, that was like hours ago! I need something to eat."
"Hours? It only been 5 minutes since you last ate, and you're hungry again?"
"Yes, I am starving."
"Well I don't know what to tell you. But if you want to we can stop and eat dirt."
"Gross! Why would I wanna do that?"
"Just sayin'."
I turned and looked out the window again. We were in dense woods. It reminded me like home. I wish I could see my dad again, again...again? I am going to see him, yeah... that's right, Alex is driving me home. My heart must have skipped a beat when I realized that the police must be keeping a sharp eye out for me, and that Alex might go to jail for this. I gave a glance at Alex. I saw his nice pointy nose, and his blue eyes from the side. His bed-hair still looking sexy as usual. His biceps flexed. I never noticed how long I was starring at him, till he broke the silence.
"You sure had a long night."
"Yep, and you have too. I bet not every one gets this chance to be together this way."
"We are together right? Or couple. Whatever you call it."
"We are partners and lovers, and I love so much."
"Good. I wanna keep it that way."
"Me too."
I placed my hand on his and we locked our hands together. I love the way we do this, the way we held hands. It is like an old couple that have loved each other endlessly and forever and always.
Hours passed by, there was little conversations about us, and the future. But Alex really didn't want to talk about it. I guessed he knew when we arrive at my home something terrible will happen. So we never mentioned what are we gonna do when he meets my dad and the police. But I do know one thing that I will love him and never let go of what we had.
More hours passed by and we are now in Cortez, Colorado. I started to get a bit excited that I now recognize everything now. But I live in Durango, which means we only have a little while for us to be together. I looked at Alex with a smile, reassuringly him that it will be alright. I let out a little tear but I whipped it away before Alex could see that I was starting to cry.
Now 10 miles out of Durango, we were surrounded by big beautiful trees. We were on the same mountain that I was kidnapped on. We passed the recreation were I took pictures and were I was taken. All my memories came back to me of that fate full night that led me to this, who I have become. We are now in the small town, the river was still flowing thought the town, and the little shops open for the holidays. I directed Alex to my house.
There were tons of police out. I starred at them and they starred back, till one noticed that it is me. Jennifer Gardner. Jackson Gardner's daughter. But they never caught on. We were driving up to my house. The pretty white house that looked over the town, that never did no wrong. I looked in the widows. I looked into my window room, there was a teddy bear in the window seal. That was the teddy bear that my mother had gave me when I was a little girl.

RomansaJenna, the typical small-town rich girl, is kidnaped by some not-so-bad guys and is forced to spend a entire trip with them traveling to their ''boss's'' house, but while one of the kidnappers has been keeping a close eye on her. Will these two star...