It had almost been a month since Alex had left me to die alone with the world turning on me. I spent most nights thinking of what could have been. I would cry but I chose not to. I have always hate being alone with my thoughts with no one to talk to about, no one understands my emotions and point of view, but Alex completely understood everything. I mostly stayed alone in this mansion while my dad goes on business trips around the world. I remember when I had told him that Alex left, he jumped ten feet in the air and rejoiced by the words that came out of my mouth. School was about to start up again, in a couple more weeks. Then I go back to that hell hole that I thought was my escape from everything when I had no experience at all... that was until this past winter break. I thought about Todd and Daemon. They were truly nice guys but they just make bad decisions. I don't blame then though, we all make mistakes. We're not perfect, were not even close to being good! We're just average.
I was laying on the couch my phone by my side, I was watching Worlds Dumbest, it was my favorite show of all the others that I have seen in my life time. I had my grey sweats on with a blue v-neck shirt, I was wearing my cozy pink socks. My hair was tied up in a messy bun. I have gained at least 10 pounds since the break up.
I raised my self up from the perfect white couch and walked into the kitchen to find another delicious-fating snack that will bring me to my pleasure. I swayed around the kitchen with great satisfaction as the chocolate touched my lips and then to into my mouth. It made my saliva go crazy for another delightful taste of the smooth chocolate. I started stuffing my mouth with all the little chocolates like a crazy person who just discovered this marvelous treat. I went back to the living room to watch all the episodes of this comedy.
I laid on the couch for 3 hours starring at the television screen. Then my phone rang. I quickly bounced up and reached for it. It was my best guy-friend; Tucker. It was a text from him, and it read:
Hey beautiful. Where are you? The whole town is looking for you! I hope your are ok. Please call, text me! I am so scared for you.
I let a smile form on my face. Why? I never told him about all this disastrous things that have been happening to me. I can't wait to tell him about this on and off relationship with this guy, I am sure he will be jealous! Tucker have always like me since middle school. He has asked me on dates but I always turn him down, we are best friends and I want it to stay that way.
My thumbs did a little dance over the screen of my phone, I didn't know what to say to him.
Hey, Tucker. I am home and safe and sound. Uh, wanna go talk? Lets go to the movies and maybe dinner? Oh and by the way I don't have a car sou can you pick me up?
I waited for some minutes till I got a reply.
Holy Shit! Your home! Yeah that sounds good! and are you asking me on a date ;) I will be over at 6.
Ha-ha, you only wish! I have so much to tell you! I can't wait to see you again. I missed you so much.
I have always missed you. Every hour, day, minute we didn't spend together my heart dropped.
Awe, sweet. I will see you later then. Bye-bye.
I hit the end button and looked at the time, it was 3pm. My eyes almost popped out of my head by the time it was. 'Oh my god! I have been watching television all day!' I thought an I went up to my room and got into the shower. I rather my self. I was quite dirty when I came home with Alex, but now I scrub my self clean till it hurts. I got out an blow dried my hair and braided it to the side. I curled my eyelashes and nothing else, Tucker has always said I look prettier with out all the makeup, and I believe him.

Roman d'amourJenna, the typical small-town rich girl, is kidnaped by some not-so-bad guys and is forced to spend a entire trip with them traveling to their ''boss's'' house, but while one of the kidnappers has been keeping a close eye on her. Will these two star...