When I woke up the last thing I remember was nothing absolute nothing. I can’t remember how I got into this situation. My last check point was taking pictures at a campground. It was hard and scary trying to fill in the blanks after that memory. Why can’t I remember? What is wrong with me?
I realized my world was falling apart. I couldn’t live anymore. I needed someone to help me, fast. I was alone in a compact room, it was completely dark. My brain couldn’t function of what just happened, what did just happen? Ok-Ok I am in a corner, the floor feels to be wet concrete. I looked ahead of me, I could see smoke fill the air above. My hands and feet were tired. Four men talked among themselves, while another guy watched me.
“Todd! What the hell are we suppose to do with her? We have to send her to Master immediately.”
“Calm down, I am thinking we could send her, you and the new guy to Master.”
“Okay, but how on earth will we transport her?”
“You could fly, but I doubt you will even make it in to the airport.”
“How about something simple like driving?” A man said in a sarcastic tone.
“Yes, I and the other guys will be traveling with you: Daemon and Alex till Las Vegas, Nevada. Then you three can go to Oregon and give Master his girl.” Todd said. “So tomorrow you’re going to Oregon. Don’t harm the girl, or else Master will make me kill you…I wouldn’t enjoy killing you two.”
Oh my God there going to kill me!
I watched the smoke rise from the men smoking and then to the ceiling where the fan scattered the smoke up. A man turned around and took a glance at me; I believe his name was Todd. He got up from a round table where three other men sat at. Todd walked to me and bent down looking at me face to face.
“Miss. Gardner you’re up! Listen here cutie, we’re taking you to Oregon, and you will be loved very deeply, by this man, we know him as Jack or aka Master…ok? Or you will be ransomed my Master and us. Do you understand?”
“I most certainly do. But why are you doing this?”
“Ha-ha, you’re dad is filthy rich, loaded with money! We are going to get him to pay a million for you.” Todd said in a mocking way.
“Well I know that, just don’t kill me.” I said in sarcastic tone.
“Don’t you worry your pretty little mind; I know your worried about you’re dollies.” Todd said.
What is that suppose mean? Todd was very intimidating, and a bit of a smartass. I can’t wait to meet Master maybe he is nicer than these jerks! He stood up straight again crossing his arms.
“Have you ever been kidnapped before?”
“No not the way you guys kidnapped me!” I have been kidnapped twice before this; there really wasn’t anything to fear from these five guys.
“So yes you have been kidnapped before?”
“Yeah…Are you guys like new to this kidnapping-game or something?” I said.
“Don’t question us.” Todd said sternly and walked away, back to the table.
For some odd reason I wasn’t as afraid anymore, I felt fearless. These men are newbie’s at kidnapping, but the other four still call the new guy a rookie, when they are all at the same level of kidnapping, this is stupid I could walk right out the door and not a shot will be fired. They seem like nice men, people, if you get to know them. You can easily see fear and regret in their eyes and faces. Golly there terrified.
All the other guys turned their heads watching Todd’s action; I am guessing Todd was an expert at kidnapping, so they admire his aggressiveness and role play.
“Jenna you’re going to Oregon, were going to give you to our commander. You’re leaving tomorrow, these two men over here; Daemon and Alex will take you there. I and these fine men will be with you till Las Vegas.” He said and gestured to himself and the other two men.” If these two guys hurt you or anything else tells me or Master.”
“Okay.” I looked down and thought of how many miles I will be away from home.”I have a question? Who’s Master?”
“You will find out when you get there.” Todd walked back to the table and swerved back around in his chair facing the men around the table.”We’re going to take you to a Wall-Mart, and buy you the things you need.”
“That sounds good…where am I?”
“I can’t say, so don’t ask.” I didn’t respond, I felt like I was in another country or a different planet. Todd cleared his throat.”Uh… don’t be afraid, we’re not planning on hurting you, but if this action is needed we will take advantage of it. We’ll treat you like a sister of ours.” He said.
Sister of ours? They’re going to treat me like there sister? Well shoving deadly medicine down my throat isn’t very family like. I got to escape when I get into Wall-Mart.
Here's a picture of Daemon (Max Gerogre from the Wanted).

RomanceJenna, the typical small-town rich girl, is kidnaped by some not-so-bad guys and is forced to spend a entire trip with them traveling to their ''boss's'' house, but while one of the kidnappers has been keeping a close eye on her. Will these two star...