I woke up with this girl kicking me. Really? It's 4am. She was kicking aggressively.
"What the hell?"
I shouted out at her. I couldn't her what she said. I had no choice but grab her ankles. I reached down under the covers, yeah she probably thinks I'ma pervert, and grabbed her legs to make he quit kicking me. She did kick me in my baby-makers, then in the face. Dammit. Once I got a grip of her ankles I slid off the bed on my knee's, the I stood up. I guessed I slid her under the covers. I reached over and turned on the light, I could she her squirming around. I held her ankles in my tight grip. I saw her hands reach to the top of the cover and pulled it down.
She looked so.... so pretty. Yeah she look like tired and unrested, but she looked so pretty, though she wan't my type.
She started looked at me, and started to kick again...like what the fuck?
"Let me go!"
"Stop fucking kicking!"
She stopped kicking, I through her legs over to the side, I seriously tossed her legs hard. I almost through her off the bed. She asked me who am I. Did she not know? I'm standing here in the light.
"It's Alex"
"Why are you sleeping next to me?"
I really wanted to tell her the truth, that I found her kinda attractive. But my mouth said other wise.
"Because I was told to."
I could see in Jennifer's eyes focused on Daemon, ugh he must be up. He asked whats going on, "Well, she started to kick me like a lunatic."
Gosh, I'm a whiner. I wanted to tell Daemon that Jennifer must have been having a bad dream or something, but I said it different. I sounded like a jerk, I'am only a jerk when I don't know how to react to pretty girl, women, or what ever she is.
Daemon said something, I didn't really hear, I was distracted by the radio. I tried to turn it to my station; Country. I could see Jennifer checking me out. So I took a glance at her. Daemon asked Jennifer a question then she started crying.
I felt kinda sad that were doing this to this poor kid. She must miss everyone that she knew. Also to lose everything like this, and go to that asshole; Master.
I let her cry out her pain. Wow she really can cry. I felt so awful. I got ready, I packed up all my cloths and belongings. I walked to the truck and loaded up my stuff. I came back, I opened the hotel room and I could hear Jeniffer weeping silently.
I picked her up, and carried her to the truck, I almost walked out the doors, then I remember that I had to check out of the hotel. I could she Jennifer look at the people. I handed the Hotel lady out cards. I must admit she was very womanly looking, I'm defiantly attracted to her. I flirted with her for a while. I really wanted her number, but she gave me her name for face-book. Once I was done flirting I walked out.
The Jennifer breathed on my chest. That...made...me...go...crazy. I couldn't stop laughing her little breath tickled my chest. I laughed for ever, then Jennifer touched me. I reacted instantly.
"N-no get away from me! Now!"
I didn't mean to say it so harshly, I guess I scared her. She didn't even talk to me after I was done laughing. The truck was parked way in the back of the parking lot. I saw a group of guys standing by there vehicles. I opened the truck door and cleared an area for Jennifer to sit. I turned around and she was starring at those guys across the way. They were yelling something at her, then she looked at me like she was scared of the group across the way. I opened the door for her, she hopped in like it was nothing. The truck was at least 3 feet off the ground. Then I heard an insult from guys.
"Hey! You should hand that over! We'll show her a good time! Quit being a pussy, and hand it to us when your done!"
I was furious. I slammed the truck door. I stood there, and they laughed at me, I started to walk over to them. I looked the truck door with the clicker.
"Dude, look he's gonna do sumthin' about us." The grouped laughed.
I could hear Jennifer screaming at me from the truck. I walked up to this white guy, same height at me. Blond hair, blue eyes. I looked him straight in the face.
"What the hell is your fucking problem?" I said giving him deadly stares at him.
"You, asshole."
"Then do something about it, if your man enough too."
He threw the first punch, I ducked then I punched him in the stomach. He groaned. He swung quickly at my face. He nailed me right in my cheek bone. I fell down, then the guy started to run toward me, I lifted my leg up and he ran into my foot, right in his baby-maker too. He fell down on his knees. A black man picked me up, and tossed me to his teammates, the put my arms around them, while the black man punched me in the stomach several times. Once the let me go, I stood there, then some one put on there cleats. The ran toward me, and jumped in the air and nearly kicked me in the face. But they missed.
Another guy to a swing at me, but I punched him in the ribs. I still could hear Jennifer screaming for me. Then someone took the keys to the truck. I punched them in the head. Then I blanked out. Next thing I remember I was on the cement, and I could see a man walk to the truck. Oh god. There going to rape Jennifer. Where are the guys at? They can't still be in the hotel room? I saw the guy take Jennifer out of the truck she was screaming. I saw her kick the man in his knees. She ran toward me.
"Alex! Alex!"
I tried to get up I was so weak. I couldn't get up. The a guy ran toward Jennifer and picked her up and flung her over his shoulders. I found enough strength to get up and run after Jennifer.
"Alex! Alex! Todd! Daemon! Help! Help me!"
I ran toward her the group of guys tried to tackle me down. She was screaming and kicking in that mans arms. He took her to his car, it was an Armada SUV. He threw her on to the vehicle seat, as he did, she looked terrified. The man unzipped his pants. I ran sturdily to her. I could see Todd and Daemon and the other guys look around to see whats going on. They saw me and ran toward me, the football players ran toward them, luckily the guys knocked them out with a single punch as they ran to me. I walked up to the white that was about to rape Jennifer. She was screaming and crying, I punched the guy from behind, he fell down, I jumped on top of him and started to punch this like crazy. Jennifer jumped out of his vehicle. She ran toward the truck. I thought for a moment, why is she running back to the truck? Why isn't she escaping?
The guys pulled me off this poor sucker. The group of football players jumped in their vehicles and left. Jennifer was standing at the truck, she looked like she was shivering. Then she ran toward me and helped me back to the truck with the other guys. Her beautiful hair blowed in the wind. Her lovely smile, peaked from her face as she looked at me walk toward her. She got closer, I was going to hug her and never let go. She was 5 feet in front of me, I opened my arms to her.
She walked right pass me... what? was she going to hug me? or changed her mind last minute. I didn't want to turn around and she who she was hugging. The guys obviously saw me opened my arms to her, and me turning around they might think I like her or something.

RomanceJenna, the typical small-town rich girl, is kidnaped by some not-so-bad guys and is forced to spend a entire trip with them traveling to their ''boss's'' house, but while one of the kidnappers has been keeping a close eye on her. Will these two star...