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"Have a good evening, Doctor Paladinight," said the nurse sitting at the reception desk as she started packing up for the night.

"Thanks. You have a good night as well," Leorio replied in acknowledgement, making his way out of the hospital.

The tall man unlocked his car and sat in the driver's seat, slamming the door closed behind him. He leaned his head against the steering wheel with a sigh his mind only focused on the blond who hasn't been answering his phone since Gon had called him the previous week.

Leorio missed Kurapika of course, they hadn't seen each other in 7 months, and especially since the two of them didn't have one of the best goodbyes. They were supposed to meet up 3 months prior but the Kurta had cancelled last minute saying that he had work and Leorio accepted the excuse with a smile as he always does.

I just wish that I could see him at least once...

Leorio lifted his head from the steering wheel and started the engine, glancing at the time on the dashboard. It was almost one in the morning and his shift was at 8 O'Clock the next day. This meant that the doctor would have to get in as much sleep as possible.

The drive back to his apartment was slow and silent, only 2 or 3 cars passing him on the street. He soon parked in the apartment building's parking lot and entered the elevator, pressing the button for the 6th floor. When the elevator dinged on Leorio's floor, the tall male walked out into the corridor and walked to his front door.

He dug into his coat pockets for his key, only to drop them on the floor.

"Shit," he cursed, bending down to pick them up and sniffling a bit due to the cold. The young doctor quickly found the right key and inserted it into the lock.

"Leorio?" He froze while reaching for the door handle, thinking that he was hearing things. The tall man still turned around though by impulse, tears filling up his brown eyes. "I've missed you."

Leorio stared at the beautiful smile he remembered so well, only this time it was sad and filled with tears, like the last time he had seen it. "Kurapika," his deep voice cracked in sorrow. "You came back..."

"Of course, I did. I-" Before he could even finish his next sentence, the blond was engulfed in a strong hug, almost knocking him off balance. Kurapika slowly returned the embrace, placing his forehead against Leorio's chest.

They remained in that position for a while, just absorbing each other's warmth before the older man spoke up, "I'm happy you came back."

The words caused Kurapika's heart to skip a beat and buried his face deeper into Leorio's chest. Leorio laughed at his apparent shyness and tightened the grip he had around him.

"I'm happy to be back," he said in a muffled voice then lifted his head to reveal a smile and teary eyes. "You look great in your coat, Doctor Leorio."


After their reunion outside, the two men had entered the apartment and Leorio was currently making coffee while Kurapika was in the shower. He set both mugs on the counter and looked at the time on his phone as he leaned against the kitchen cupboard.

The time was now 01:45 and Leorio was exhausted but he wanted to spend a bit of time with Kurapika before he even thought of sleeping.

He sighed and ran a hand down his face, then he lifted his head after hearing the bathroom door open. Kurapika walked out of the bathroom, wearing one of Leorio's shirts and a pair of long white pants.

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