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A cool breeze came through the open window and Illumi groaned sleepily as he pulled the covers over his head. He slowly opened his eyes and groggily scanned the room, realising that it wasn't his. The assassin slowly sat up and felt a stiffness in his right arm, realising there was a bandage tightly wrapped around it.

Illumi slowly got out of bed and shuffled towards the door. He slowly opened the door, his black eyes focusing on the familiar redhead sitting at the kitchen table. "Hisoka?"

The magician looked up from his phone and gave the assassin an awkward smile. "Oh, you're awake."

"Uh...yes but what am I doing here?" Illumi asked with slight confusion as he stared at the older male.

"You fainted the other day and Zeno, said I should bring you here," Hisoka replied as he returned his attention to his phone. "Do you want to eat something? I was told you haven't eaten in 2 weeks."

Illumi slowly shook his head and stared at his hands. "I'm not hungry," he mumbled under his breath. "I think I should leave. Thank you for your hospitality."

An awkward silence surrounded the two of them as Illumi started to make his way back to the bedroom. But a knock on the door made him freeze in his tracks and the magician stood up to go open it. When the person came into view, Illumi couldn't stop his blank expression from turning into a small glare.

"Why is it so quiet in here?" Zeno questioned as he looked around Hisoka's penthouse. "Illumi, I see you're finally awake. We have a lot we need to talk about."

The magician looked between them as he closed the door and walked towards his bedroom. "I'm going take a shower. Shout if you need anything."

Zeno sat on the black couch and waited for his grandson to sit next to him. The assassin just stood there silently before awkwardly sitting next to his grandfather, fidgeting with his hands in his lap.

An intense silence filled the space between them then Zeno decided to speak. "First, I would like to apologise for not noticing earlier." Illumi was confused about what he was refering to before noticing the old man's eyes focused on his arm.

He subconsciously trailed his hand along it, a small blush on his cheeks. "It's nothing, really, Grandfather," Illumi mumbled with his eyes glued to the floor.

"I still should have spoken to your father though." Zeno sighed, staring at the TV that had a fight playing on the screen. "It hurt not being able to see him, didn't it? Even though developing feelings for someone you're supposed to kill is something odd, that just shows me how tough this Hisoka fellow is to beat. But, even if it's a little bit late, I've decided to give you some time to see if you want to be with him or not. That's okay, right?"

He looked at his grandson who had tears welling up in his eyes. "You don't have to hide how you feel anymore," Zeno informed with a smile.

As soon as he heard those words, Illumi couldn't stop his tears from rolling down his cheeks. He began to furiously wipe away at them though, irked by how his grandfather's words had affected him so greatly.

Illumi was an assassin who's never been truly able to show his emotions or be with someone and now he was allowed to do both. However, Silva would still be an issue they had to get rid of first. "What did you tell, Father?"

"I told Silva that I sent you away on a few missions in a different country so you'll be away for a few months." Zeno pulled out a black device from his pocket and handed it to the black-haired male. "Here's your cellphone. Your father might try to call so it's best that you keep it with you at all times."

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