28. 🍋

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"H-Hisoka, wai- Mmm~!" Illumi's own moan cut him off and he clawed at the handcuffs that had him chained to the bed frame.

The magician looked up from between his legs and licked his lips, his red hair down and damp with sweat. "Oh, come on, Illu, don't act as if I've never tasted you before. Especially since this is your punishment," Hisoka purred while staring at him, a lustful glint in his yellow eyes.

Illumi looked away in embarrassment. The only reason he'd even received this 'punishment' was that every time that he had attempted to be intimate with Hisoka, a message would come in from Chrollo requesting Illumi's assistance. "But it's been 2 hours already, Hisoka and I don't think I can handle more of this."

"You seem more than capable to me," the older male hummed as he stroked Illumi's leaking dick. Curse this lustful body. "We haven't had sex in 2 weeks, Illu dear, so I'm sure you must have something left in you. Unless of course, you want to beg for me to stop the way I want you to?"

Illumi stopped struggling with his Nen-covered restraints and glared at his lover, his body glistening with sweat and cum. "I'd rather be fucked to death," the assassin spat angrily.

Hisoka couldn't help but chuckle at the assassin's sudden sense of pride and grabbed the other's ankle, playfully biting it. "I would be more than pleased to arrange that," he smirked as he slowly pushed himself into Illumi.

The assassin arched his back at the feeling of being penetrated, his wrists straining against the handcuffs as a surprised gasp left his lips. Tears collected at the corner of Illumi's eyes as Hisoka slowly thrust in and out of him, his tip not quite touching the assassin's prostate.

"Is something wrong, Illumi?" Hisoka inquired with a mocking expression, noticing his lover's discomfort.

"N-No," Illumi stammered in frustration. This sadistic bastard was getting the better of him and the assassin hated it.

"No?" The older male asked with a raised brow, his hips still moving painfully slow. "Because at the pace I'm going, I'm sure that only I will cum from this... Unless of course, you've changed your mind about begging?" Illumi blushed at the suggestion. "Or I could give you an alternative?"

The assassin gulped. "Which is?"

Hisoka leaned down until his lips were in level with Illumi's ear. "You could be a good boy and tell me where you've been going for the past few weeks," the magician whispered into his ear sensuously.

Illumi's breath hitched as a hand trailed along the curve of his back and a kiss was pressed under his jaw. The assassin knew what Hisoka was trying to do, coaxing his mind into a state of desperation for him to spill the truth. Yet, Illumi knew how stupid it would be for him to even say anything about his current deal with Chrollo.

"So, what's it gonna be, Illu?"

The assassin looked his lover in the eyes, shivering at the intensity of his yellow gaze before releasing a shaky sigh. He couldn't believe that he was about to do this...

"Please make me cum, Daddy..." he whimpered in embarrassment, his face flushing a bright red.

Hisoka couldn't help but chuckle at the younger male's humiliation, beginning to thrust harder - still managing to keep that painfully slow pace. "Would you care to repeat that, love?" The magician asked mockingly. "I didn't quite hear you."

Illumi blushed once more, gritting his teeth in defiance. "Please, Daddy... I just want to feel you deeper inside me." The assassin felt as if he sounded like some inexperienced schoolgirl, his entire face heating up after each word.

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