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(TW: Mention of self harm)

The following morning, Hisoka was having breakfast with Arena and decided to tell her about his current situation. She listened carefully as he spoke and stood up to put their plates in the sink, pulling out a cigarette as she sat back down.

"I think you should find a way to talk to him." Arena said while lighting her cigarette. "I know it might be a little late but it would help you two if you talked about it."

Hisoka sighed and leaned his elbows on the table. "If only it were that easy. Illumi wouldn't even look at me, let alone talk to me. He hasn't even answered any of my messages..." He sighed. "Maybe it's better this way."

The dark-haired woman watched as a sad smile formed on her friend's face before puffing out a cloud of smoke. "Come on, Hisoka. It wouldn't hurt to try."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." His phone suddenly buzzed in his pocket and the magician pulled it out, frowning at the unknown number. "Hello?"

"Hello? Is this Hisoka Morrow?" An elderly voice asked from the other side.

Hisoka frowned in confusion. "Yes... Who am I speaking to?"

"Oh, I see I haven't introduced myself." The man cleared his throat. "I'm Zeno Zoldyck, Illumi's grandfather."


The magician was slightly confused and Arena looked at him with a raised brow. "May I ask why you're calling me, sir?" He replied almost awkwardly, not knowing what to call the man.

Zeno chuckled. "Just Zeno is fine. I actually wanted to discuss Illumi with you."

"Why? Did something happen to him?" Hisoka inquired worriedly and watched as the woman left to give him some privacy.

"Not that I'm aware of, no." The redhead had to stop himself from sighing in relief. "But there is something I must ask of you, so please listen carefully."

"What is it?"

So, Hisoka listened patiently to what Zeno had to tell him, not interrupting him once. The magician realised that Illumi was quite different from his grandfather. Though they were both authoritative in nature, the older man came off as much more expressive and confident, whereas his grandson was blunt and emotionless.

The redhead didn't understand why he took note of that subtle difference, now out of all times but he couldn't help but do so. Zeno was still speaking though and Hisoka continued to pay attention, before his eyes widened in shock.

"Wait?! Zeno, don't you think I should -"

"No, I have already decided. I'll see you tomorrow night, okay?"

Hisoka felt conflicted as he clenched his fists, a small crease between his eyes. "Alright, I'll be there." He hung up and put his phone on the table, hoping that Illumi's grandfather knew what he was doing.


Illumi had finally made it back to the Zoldyck property after having another mission and he could feel the exhaustion coursing through him. He slowly sat on his bed and curled into a fetal position, slowly closing his eyes.

The assassin couldn't sleep though as he felt his wrists start to itch. Illumi opened his eyes and looked at them, seeing how scabs had formed over the scars. The sight irritated him and he felt the persistent need to reopen the wounds.

He manipulated his hand into claws and slowly dragged them down his arm, blood pooling onto the bed. Illumi removed his hand, his dark eyes slowly clouding over. The assassin didn't feel like crying though, he was too weak to cry and simply stared at nothing.

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