17.: PART II

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3 Months Later

"Amane, can you wait for me outside? I'll be back in a few minutes," Illumi instructed bluntly as he checked to see if all of his pins were in place.

The black-haired woman silently placed her hands over her thighs and bowed to him. "Very well, Master Illumi. I shall bring the car around once you're done."

Illumi simply nodded and calmly sauntered inside, his target being the only priority on his mind. The assassin blended in perfectly with the crowd of hotel residents, hiding him from the receptionist's observant gaze.

He walked up the wide staircase, not wanting to draw attention by going up the elevator. When he finally reached the 3rd floor, he took a left turn into the corridor and searched for the target's room.

As soon as he was sure that he had stopped in front of the right room, Illumi picked the lock and stepped inside. The entire area was drowned in complete darkness, except for the bathroom where the assassin could hear talking. He stealthily crept towards it, his figure mixing well with the darkness until he reached the doorway.

Illumi pressed his back against the wall and looked inside, seeing his target talking on the phone with his back towards him. This was the perfect opportunity so the assassin pulled out 3 pins and gripped them tightly between his knuckles.

The instant he stepped into the doorway, the target looked up at his reflection and saw the long-haired assassin standing behind him. "Who the fuck-"

Before he could complete his sentence, Illumi had already imbedded all 3 needles into the back of his skull. The assassin watched as his target's body went limp and the phone dropped from the corpse's hand before crumpling to the floor.

Illumi emotionlessly watched as the scene unfolded then swiftly turned around and walked out.

Luckily he wasn't met by anyone as he exited the room and the assassin decided to take the elevator back down. His long hair flowed behind him as he walked and Illumi pulled on a few strands of hair. Somehow he had let it grow past his hips and the assassin realised that he really needed to cut it shorter.

But Illumi would leave that to another day.

The Zoldyck leaned against the wall of the elevator, staring at the people who greeted him as it started to descend. The ride was slow and uncomfortable, well it was only uncomfortable for the guests who were in the range of Illumi's view. Most of them produced a nervous sweat due to his chilling aura.

When the elevator finally stopped on his floor, the assassin stepped out and large sighs left the lips of the people still inside. He decided against going in the direction of the receptionist's desk and walked through the restaurant that was downstairs.

Illumi strolled past the many tables until he reached the door that was on the other side. The restaurant was quite empty that night with only a few couples inside. None of them noticed him though as he walked out of the door and into the night.

The air outside was cool and crisp, the night air gently blowing through his hair. His dark eyes scanned the street until they landed on the car which Amane had parked next to the opposite building.

As Illumi started walking towards the vehicle, he heard a pair of voices laughing behind him and turned his head out of curiosity. The assassin felt his heart clench for the first time in months and he hurriedly turned around as he marched towards the car.

"Illumi?" He only walked faster when he heard his name being called. "Illumi, wait!"

The Zoldyck heard the person's footsteps quicken and turn into a small jog as he stepped into the backseat of the car. "Amane, let's go," he muttered stiffly.

"Of course, Master Illumi." The butler sadly glanced in the rearview mirror as she started the engine, seeing the assassin forcing his eyes to focus on the floor.

Amane finally drove off, leaving the man behind.


"So, how have things been between you and Shizuku?" Hisoka asked with a small smile as he drank from his wine glass.

Machi smiled back and laughed. "Things have been great between us but she's still forgetful as ever," she sighed in reply.

"Why? Does she forget that you two are together?" The magician laughed in question.

"She doesn't, surprisingly enough. Shizuku only forgets when we have a date or that we even went on a date." The pink-haired woman rolled her eyes at the thought before taking a sip of her wine. "What about you? Anyone caught your interests lately?"

Hisoka's smile turned sad as he gently swirled the drink in his glass. "It isn't something that I've thought about. I don't know, it would feel wrong if I did."

Machi frowned. "Oh, sorry I brought it up."

"It's alright. I'm out with a friend so you shouldn't worry about asking."

"Yeah, I guess you just need to get over him."

The magician laughed as he saw the smirk on his companion's face. "There's nothing to get over if we were never together," he sighed as he drank from his glass. "Besides, it might be good to find someone new. I haven't had sex in months."

Machi choked on her food after hearing the statement, causing people to look in their direction. Hisoka pat her back in an attempt to help and muffled a chuckle that was threatening to leave his throat. "We may have become close friends but I don't need to know that."

"Sorry~" The magician purred as they finished the remainder of their dinner.

After their "date", the two friends left the restaurant with Hisoka still laughing at what happened to Machi inside. The pink-haired woman lightly punched his shoulder before laughing herself.

As they were about to start a new topic of conversation, the two looked up at the same time after feeling a pair of eyes looking at them. Hisoka accidentally made eye contact with them and watched as they quickly turned around.

The magician felt a large lump form in his throat and hand gripping his shoulder brought him back to reality. He looked down at Machi who slowly shook her head. But Hisoka ignored her and his voice spoke before he could stop it.

"Illumi?" He called out but the assassin only walked faster and the redhead began to follow. "Illumi, wait!" Hisoka called out again, this time an edge of desperation in his tone.

He started to jog after him but froze when he saw the car that the Zoldyck had suddenly entered begin to drive off. The magician heard Machi's footsteps catch up to him and when she finally stopped next to him, he frustratedly punched the stop sign.

"Hisoka, are you okay?" She asked as she watched the older man clench his fist as the pole bent slightly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to cool off," he replied with a huff before looking at her. "Look, I have to go. I'll see you around, Machi."

"Okay... Goodbye, Hisoka," she mumbled as her friend walked away.


Yes, me and my emotionally unstable self are back!! 🏃🏽‍♂️💨

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