22. 🍋

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That weekend, Illumi was sitting on the couch with his hair in a ponytail and reading a book he'd recently bought while Hisoka was cutting his hair. He was hoping that the magician was doing a somewhat decent job and tried his best not to move too much.

The scissors silently snipped away his dark locks, the severed hair falling onto the ground. A few minutes later, the sound of the scissors stopped and Illumi pulled the ponytail over his shoulder as Hisoka threw the hair away.

The assassin examined the length of his new haircut before frowning a bit. "This is a lot shorter than what we'd initially agreed on."

Hisoka shrugged. "I know but I cut it just below your shoulder blades so it should be fine. Besides," he grinned playfully. "I think you look beautiful no matter how long your hair is~."

"You flatter me too much," Illumi replied before reopening his book, a small smile replacing his usual blank expression.

Hisoka wrapped his arms around his waist, watching as the assassin leaned against his chest while still reading his book. The magician smiled and began to leave small kisses down the side of Illumi's neck, who accepted them with a sigh. "You know, Illu," his hand travelled to the younger male's crotch, "we haven't done anything for a while now. So, I was wondering if-"

His hand got smacked away. "Hisoka, I'm reading."

"Oh, come on. It'll only be for a moment," he breathed against his ear and reached into the front of Illumi's pants, beginning to stroke him a bit.

"Hisoka..." Illumi tightened the grip he had on his book, his cheeks becoming flushed. A soft, yet unexpected, moan left his lips as the older male quickened the pace of his hand, leaving small hickies along his neck.

The assassin dropped the novel and reached for Hisoka's cock, jerking him off quickly. The redhead moaned against Illumi's pale neck, thrusting his hips forward as he maintained the pace he still had with Illumi.

They went on like this for a few minutes before there was a knock on the door. Illumi's eyes widened in slight shock and was about to remove his hand when Hisoka growled in his ear, "It's too late to stop now, Illu."

"But, what if they walk in?" The black-haired male managed to say between pants.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Hisoka slowly wrapped his hand around his throat and pressed gently, causing Illumi to gasp in pleasure. "Someone could just walk in right now and see how vulnerable you look. Doesn't that just feel so humiliating? Don't you just want to cum at the thought of it?"

The assassin felt himself nearing his climax. "I don't -"

"Just be a good boy, Illu," he bit the tip of his ear and another knock sounded from the door, "and cum for me, okay?"

Illumi bit his lip, wanting to be called a "good boy" once more in that husky voice. But the assassin couldn't bring himself to ask to hear those words again, soft pants being the only thing that left his mouth. He was finally close to his climax when the door slowly opened and he came into Hisoka's hand, after feeling the magician's cum on his back.

They were both left panting loudly after Hisoka stiffled a moan against Illumi's neck. Both males turned their gazes towards the door where a white-haired boy had a horrified expression on his face.

The assassin felt his entire face flush. "K-Killua?!"

"Nope!" Killua walked back out and slammed the door behind him.

It was silent for a few seconds before Illumi groaned in irritation. He had never felt such embarrassment in his entire life and why did it have to be his most cherished sibling seeing him doing something so inappropriate with Hisoka to cause it.

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