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Illumi lay awake that night which wasn't an unusual thing for him. He just had a lot on his mind and his current sleeping arrangement wasn't one he was very comfortable with.

Hisoka was a cuddler and Illumi wasn't the type to warm up to physical affection. He felt the distinct urge to remove the arm that was securely wrapped around his waist and push away the head that was buried in the crook of his neck but... he just couldn't.

For some odd reason, Illumi wanted to stay like this, just held in Hisoka's arms.

After sex Chrollo would usually leave and go his own way or curl up onto his side of the bed, his back always facing the assassin. Illumi was used to the lack of affection and would simply just sleep or leave if he had to.

He'd only known Hisoka for a few weeks and he'd only met the magician 4 times. Twice out of those 4 times he had attempted to kill him and the other 2...well, he didn't want to go into detail in remembering.

If Illumi didn't kill him now, who's knows what their relationship would evolve into.

As he was about to finally force himself to sleep, his phone rang somewhere in the room. Illumi reached over to the nightstand and noticed that his phone wasn't there. He began to search through the pile of clothes that were scattered on the floor.

Hisoka shuffled a bit in his sleep and mumbled something under his breath. "Umi, answer the phone," he sighed as he dug his face into a pillow.

"I would if I knew where it was," Illumi muttered back before finding the phone hidden under the clown's shirt. He didn't even bother looking at the caller ID before answering. "Hello?"

"Hello, Illumi," his father said in his usual monotone. "I just wanted to tell you that your grandfather and I will be home soon."

Those words made the assassin get out of bed causing Hisoka to sit up with a frown. Illumi held a finger up to his lips as he made eye contact with his sleepy gaze. "Okay but when is soon exactly?"

Silva frowned in confusion. "Why do you ask? Did something happen while I was gone?"

"No," his oldest son replied while tossing Hisoka his clothes. "I'm just curious."

"Well, if you must know, we'll be back in under an hour. Will that be all?"

"Yes, that's all," Illumi said bluntly before glaring at Hisoka who threw his clothes back at him. "I'll see you when you get back," he answered before hanging up and picked up the magician's clothes.

Hisoka just watched as the assassin put his clothes onto his lap. He was about to throw them onto the floor when Illumi glared at him and held down his wrists. "Illu, why are you trying so hard to get rid of me?"

"Hisoka, my father is returning soon and I don't want him to find you here," he told him while putting on the shorts he had worn earlier that night.

The magician began to pull on his own clothes, raking a hand through his red hair. "Why can't I just meet him instead?"

The assassin raised a brow before going to open his window. "Don't be so ignorant. You almost seem like you have a death wish," he mumbled.

"So what if I do?" Hisoka inquired as he stood up, his yellow eyes travelling to the Zoldyck's ass. The magician narrowed his eyes and reached out a hand, which Illumi immediately slaps away without looking.

"Don't touch me." Illumi moved away from the window and sat on his bad, Hisoka sitting next to him. He felt the magician put his head on his shoulder then Illumi pushed him away. "Why can't you just leave?"

"I want to get to know you more."

"We talked the whole night, Hisoka," the assassin informed, remembering the conversation they had before the magician fell asleep.


Illumi watched as Hisoka looked him with genuine smile before turning his head away. "Tch. What kind of man wants to bond with his killer?"

"The kind who isn't afraid to die."

"Just leave already."


"Go, Hisoka," the assassin ordered as he pointed towards the window.

The magician rolled his eyes and stood up. He began to climb out of the window then hung off of the edge, looking at the assassin with an innocent smile. "How about a goodbye kiss?"

Illumi stared at him for a while before walking towards the mischievous man. He bent over a bit and leaned on the windowsill. Much to Hisoka's surprise, he felt a soft pair of lips gently press against his before they pulled away again. "Goodbye, Hisoka."

The magician blushed as he cleared his throat. "Goodbye, Illumi," he replied before jumping out of sight.


Hisoka arrived at his apartment later that afternoon, slamming the door shut behind him. He was still confused by the gentle kiss the assassin had given him, the feeling of it invading his mind.

The magician had only pursued Illumi because of his engagement to Chrollo. The fact that it also helped distract the Zoldyck from killing him was just an added bonus. But now, Hisoka could feel that things were going to become complicated.

He didn't particularly have feelings for Illumi, he just always felt felt the desire to be with him in a way that was mostly physical. It was more of a sexual attraction if anything else.

A deep sigh left his mouth as he laid onto the couch, his yellow eyes trained on the low ceiling. Hisoka closed his eyes and attempted to ignore the possibilities of what would happen if either of them felt something for the other.

The magician needed to do something to clear his mind and he decided that killing someone would be the best way. He reached into his pockets as he walked towards the door but his hand came up empty.

That is when Hisoka realised that he had left his cards in Illumi's bedroom and he wasn't going there anytime soon.

Maybe he should just sleep.

Hisoka had been kicked out of the assassin's room at 3 in the morning and even though most of his fatigue was gone, the magician still felt he should rest.

He took off his clothes until he was just left in his boxers then threw himself onto the bed, not bothering to get under the covers. Sleep didn't come as easily as Hisoka thought that it would.

Somehow, the magician's mind was just filled with images of Illumi. His delicate features and long hair were things that Hisoka couldn't stop thinking of. Especially that gentle kiss he had given him when he left.

The redhead felt himself blush.

Why did he keep thinking about that kiss so much? It was just a once off thing and probably wouldn't happen again... And it's not like he wanted it to happen again, right?

Hisoka just needed to stay away from the assassin for a while, maybe then he'd understand his own feelings. But the mere thought of being away from him for more than a few days, made his heart sink.

The magician sighed and buried his head in one of his pillows, forcing his yellow eyes shut.

Why couldn't Illumi just kill him already.


Oh no, I think I'm catching feelings~👁👄👁🎤🎶

Hisoka really said,simp✨ 😔 but I don't know, I feel like I'm kind of rushing their relationship. What do y'all think?

And thank you so much for helping me reach +2K reads, I promise to work even harder.✌🏽😄☺

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