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TWENTY-NINE (part 1?)

Illumi opened the door to his and Hisoka's shared apartment in Heaven's Arena, his brows furrowing in worry when he found it unlocked. The assassin stepped inside, looking around the empty space before calling out the older male's name.

"Hisoka?" When Illumi received no reply, he let out a small sigh. He made his way to their bedroom and ignored the freshly made bed while walking into the bathroom.

Illumi turned on the shower and waited until the water was hot enough before taking off his clothes. He stepped in, relaxing a bit as the water hit his back. But a single thought was busy nagging at the back of his mind:

Where was Hisoka?

The older male would always tell him where he was going or if he was going out. Though it was expected of him not to since well, Illumi himself has been lying about his whereabouts. Nonetheless, the assassin was still worried and couldn't help but shake off the feeling that something was wrong.

As soon as he had stepped out of the shower and gotten dressed, Illumi pulled out his phone and dialled Hisoka's number. It rang for what seemed like only a few seconds before cutting off. He tried again, only this time the call didn't go through at all.

Did he switch off his phone? Illumi thought as he slipped under the covers, staring at the device that was still resting in his hand. He's probably still mad...

The thought alone made tears collect in his eyes and Illumi placed his phone on the nightstand, pulling the covers over his head. Without him even realising, the assassin had fallen asleep, only to be woken up by the bedroom door opening.

Hisoka turned around after closing the door and froze when he made eye contact with Illumi. "Hey," he dropped his jacket onto the floor, "I didn't know you were back."

"I tried to call you..."

"My phone was off." Hisoka's cold response made Illumi look away with pursed lips. The magician sighed and walked to the bathroom. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Okay," Illumi replied, watching as the older male walked away. He swore he picked up the slightest scent of alcohol as Hisoka walked past but Illumi refused to mention it.

When the bathroom door clicked open, Illumi pulled the covers over his head and pretended to be asleep. The bed dipped on the opposite side as Hisoka got under the covers and Illumi flinched when a hand gently touched his back.

"Illu, you can come closer if you want to..."

The way Hisoka whispered his name with such affection caused him to only peek his eyes out from beneath the duvet. "Aren't you still mad at me?"

Of course, he was. Hisoka had every right to be mad at Illumi for lying to him about something so serious but that didn't mean he should let him feel unwanted. The magician knew what consequences it would have on the other mentally and he didn't think it would be wise to let him relapse.

"Only a bit," he admitted and Illumi visibly saddened, "but that doesn't mean I'm gonna distance myself from you. Now, come closer."

Illumi warily slid towards Hisoka and only relaxed when an arm wrapped around him, burying his face against his chest. "I'm sorry," his muffled voice came out softly.

Hisoka ran his hands through Illumi's silky hair, only humming in reply. He could have told him that it was okay but both Hisoka and Illumi knew that it wasn't. And lying about it wouldn't really make a difference.

Even though Hisoka was trying his best to comfort him, Illumi couldn't fight away the guilt that was slowly eating at him. He really wanted to tell Hisoka about how he was working for Chrollo but at the same time, he couldn't. Illumi anxiously bit the inside of his cheek.

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