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Home was something that Illumi would never truly say brought him a sense of comfort. It was just familiar and filled with nostalgic memories of his broken childhood. It was where his family was.

Illumi had contemplated a lot while packing, mostly of whether he should take things Hisoka had bought for him, his eyes intensely fixed on the frog plushie leaning against the pillows. But mostly on whether returning home was even worth his time.

His mother was constantly there and Kikyo always managed to make things worse.

Yet, Illumi ignored all the doubt and put a framed picture of him and Hisoka in his bag and the magician's hoodie. Even though it had seemed quite odd at the time, Illumi couldn't help but inhale the familiar smell of bubblegum and lavender, the soft scent giving him comfort.

The taxi ride to the airport was silent with Illumi sadly dwelling in his own thoughts and before he knew it, he was already at the mansion door. He raised his fist to knock but the doors violently swung open, revealing Kikyo in all her glory with a broad smile on her face.

"Oh, Illumi, my sweet boy how I've missed you so much!" She cried before him pulling into a hug, Illumi slightly regretting that he had called her beforehand.

The embrace only brought little comfort to him and Illumi could feel himself slipping back into his emotionless state of mind. "I missed you too, Mother," he said, his answer only partially true.

Kikyo pulled back with a smile and pulled her son into the house, telling a butler to take Illumi's bag up to his room. "I'm so happy that you are finally back home, it had been quite dreary since you left. With Milluki and Kalluto doing their own things and Killua leaving home with Alluka, everything has been quite mundane. Oh, and before I forget, your father wishes to talk to you."

"Father?" Illumi asked with a faint frown. Out of all his mother's rambling, that was the only thing he managed to hear. "Shouldn't I at least settle in fir-"

"Oh, don't be silly now," Kikyo said while waving her hand dismissively. "It will only take a couple of minutes and apparently it is an urgent matter."

Illumi nodded nervously. Did Silva know of his relationship with Hisoka? But even if he did, what difference did it make? Silva was never interested in any of his children's personal lives if they didn't interfere with their assassination... Which is what happened with Illumi.

He hoped that he wasn't in too much trouble.

Illumi and his mother reached Silva's room and Kikyo knocked before walking in. Silva looked up from his book and stared at them with his blue eyes, carefully placing the novel next to him.

Amid the tense silence, Kikyo said, "I suppose I should leave you two to talk." She turned around and left the room, Illumi still nervously standing between his father and the doorway.

"I see that you're finally back, Illumi," Silva said in a deep monotone.

"Yes, Father."

The man sighed and patted the spot next to him, his son warily sitting on the cushion. Silva and Illumi may have been the same height but the young assassin couldn't help but feel inferior each time that he sat next to his father. This time wasn't any less different.

"Your Grandfather told me about your relationship." Illumi's breath hitched and he fearfully looked at his hands. "Why didn't you tell me anything?"

The dark-haired male didn't reply for a while before whispering, "I didn't want your opinion of me to change..."

Silva gave him an understanding glance, feeling slight pity for him. "Illumi you're still my son and who you want to be with doesn't bother me at all. But," Illumi looked at Silva expectantly, "do you love him?"

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