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Y'all, how did this shit make it to the trending list? 💀 But thank you so much for all of the support. ❤❤


Hisoka was the first to wake up that morning, which was quite odd since Illumi usually woke up at around 6 every day. But he'd also noted that the younger male had been sleeping a lot lately so he just concluded that the assassin was probably tired.

The redhead placed a soft kiss against his forehead and smiled when Illumi's nose twitched cutely. He carefully got out of bed then sauntered into the bathroom to take a quick shower. When he walked back out, Hisoka still saw Illumi sound asleep and frowned a bit in concern.

He's usually awake by now...

He walked towards his closet and pulled on some black pants and a pink t-shirt before sitting on the floor, next to Illumi's side of the bed. Hisoka stared at him before tracing a hand along his pale cheek.

The assassin's eyes gradually opened and dully looked at Hisoka before closing again. "Morning..." he managed to breath out tiredly.

"Hey, Illu," the magician replied worriedly. "Do you want anything to eat?"

"No," Illumi croaked out and opened his eyes again. "I don't really have an appetite."

Hisoka pursed his lips and reached for the other male's hand. "Are you feeling, okay? You seem off today."

A tense silence surrounded them for a while and the older male thought about the conversation they'd had the other day. He now knew about Illumi's poor mental health and what he went through in the previous months but Hisoka hoped he didn't feel too depressed.

"I'm not okay..." Tears began to stream down his pale cheeks and the redhead gently wiped them away. Hisoka silently got back into bed and pulled Illumi towards his chest, rubbing small circles on his back.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"I don't know. I just feel miserable," he muttered tiredly.

The magician just hummed and pulled him closer. Small kisses started being placed on the assassin's temple which caused him to sniffle and clutch onto the older male's t-shirt. The younger male felt comforted by his lover's presence and couldn't help but feel a bit grateful.

They stayed like this for several minutes before Illumi glanced at the redhead. "Hisoka?" He received another hum in reply. "Am I bothering you with my issues?"


"You know I care about you, right?" He felt him nod against his chest. "And that I might even possibly love you?" The assassin took a bit longer to nod this time. "Then you shouldn't worry about bothering me. Your problems are my problems now."


Hisoka placed a kiss against Illumi's forehead and stroked back his hair. "Come on, it's time for you to take a shower," he whispered to which the assassin shook his head in protest. "Just to help you feel a bit better."

"But-" he huffed as he looked away with a blush. "I wanted to cuddle with you..." The long-haired male wasn't used to being so affectionate and failed to hide his embarrassment.

"You want to what?" The magician asked teasingly.

"To cuddle..."

Hisoka gave Illumi a bright smile, loving how cute he was being. "Okay, baby, we can cuddle. But only for 10 minutes." He slowly threaded his fingers through his dark hair and smiled when the younger male leaned into his touch.

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