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Hisoka had somehow ended up on a park bench, his yellow eyes fixated on the star filled sky. A small smile etched itself on his face as he slowly closed his eyes, then a familiar aura hit his senses and the magician's smile faded.

"I know you're there," he shouted and leaned back with a sigh as he heard rustling from behind him. "It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

Illumi silently sat next him with his usual blank expression and his hair slightly messy. "You've been ignoring me," the assassin muttered, keeping his gaze on the horizon.

"I've been busy," Hisoka replied without looking at him.

"I beg to differ."

The magician smirked at him. "Have you been spying on me?"

Illumi blankly met his gaze and said, "You forget that you're still my target."

"Yes, it's very easy to forget when you still can't kill me." Hisoka realised that he had struck a nerve just by the way the assassin's eyebrow twitched in irritation. "Why are you meeting with me looking like such a mess, anyway?"

The Zoldyck was silent. He didn't know whether to tell him the real reason or not but lying was a waste of time. "Chrollo came back," he whispered while twirling a piece of his hair.

The magician felt a twinge of jealousy in his chest but he brushed it off as something else. "And I'm guessing Danchou wants me dead." Hisoka stood up and stretched, Illumi staring at him from his seat. "Come on, Illu. Try to kill me."

Illumi frowned before standing up and looked at the taller male with his dark eyes. It was silent between them and the assassin stared at the floor, clenching his fists. "I don't want to kill you..."


"I said, I don't want to kill you!"

"Why not?"

"...I just don't see the purpose to it."

Hisoka felt his anger flare and he couldn't stop himself from punching Illumi in the gut, causing him to fall to his knees. The assassin was left gasping for air as he clutched his stomach, his expression still blank. He slowly lifted up his head and a kick landed on his jaw, sending him backwards.

Illumi was slightly dazed by the impact, his vision going in and out of focus. He spat some blood onto the floor then reached his pale hand towards his jaw. The assassin realised that it was only dislocated so he pushed it back into place, a sickening crack filling his ears.

The Zoldyck took a shaky breath and looked at Hisoka who was glaring at him. The magician strolled towards him but stopped when he saw the pained expression on Illumi's face.

Hisoka scowled at him, his yellow eyes narrowed in sheer annoyance. "I don't understand you, Illumi," he mumbled with gritted teeth. "Why won't you fight back? What kind of assassin are you if you can't kill me?" As he'd said those words, Hisoka had grabbed Illumi by the collar, their eyes locked on each other. "Just you acting so weak makes me frustrated," he growled before kneeing him in the stomach.

The assassin felt blood fill up his throat and he coughed it onto the grass, heavy breaths raking through his lungs. Then he got thrown to the ground, the cold grass scraping against his pale skin.

Illumi didn't understand why he was letting Hisoka beat him up but for some reason he didn't feel the need to defend himself.

Illumi didn't seem affected by the pain his body was going through as he sat on his knees. He looked at the magician with that same pained expression, blood dripping down his chin. "How can you still not understand...why I don't want to kill you?"

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