✨2021 quarintine✨

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(The song is just for fun while you read, you can decide not to play it)

~Walking home from the bus stop~

I swear being a high school student really sucks, they're giving people homework for winter break I mean come on who does that?!?, eh I can't do anything about it now.

~It starts snowing~

And now there's snow falling great -_-, ' wait didn't the news say there would be a snow storm soon?' Well if that's the case I better get out of here quick

Just as I was about to run home I kicked a box laying on the ground which caused a few muffled 'meows' I looked at the box puzzled. I crouched down to open the box too see two kittens and 5 other cats " Oh my god who left you guys out here in the snow", they all looked at me with curiosity and confusion, "I gotta get you all out of the snow before you guys freeze to death". I said while closing up the box and picking it up they hissed and growled from the sudden force of weight getting lifted off the ground, 'don't  worry guys I'm taking you home'.

~Ashs POV~
'What the- where am I?, and why am I in a box?!?. "Sebastian where are we, and why are we in a box?!?" ' oh no not this brat and his butler again..wait no, no no no no no don't tell me there's more impure ones in here'. There were three grim reapers, another demon, and a brat with blond hair, great I'm stuck in a box with these impure beings and worst of all I'm a cat!!. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse someone kicked a box causing us to crash into each other, ' I swear if I don't get out of this box I'm going feral'.

Just then this beautiful person with (H/L), (H/C) opened the box, they are absolutely gorgeous, there face looked a bit sad, I wanted to know why but my thoughts were soon cut short when they spoke. "Oh my god who left you guys out here in the snow", they looked so caring and lovely, they looked pure. "I gotta get you all out of the snow before you guys  freeze to death" just then they closed and lifted up the box and we all stumbled into each other, I hated it since I was so close to that horrendous demon Sebastian. Great just great once I get out of this box I'm going to kill all of them, but not the caretaker, they are 'the pure one'.

~Le time skip to your house ~

~your POV~
I opened the door to my house while having the box in one hand, I quickly place the box on the floor in my living room and opened it up again to see all eyes on me, ' ok this is weird, there looking at me like if they want to know or kill me :|'

I stood up and let them all get out of the box, some of them we're weirdly coloured, and very weird mood swings. There was a red cat with green eyes trying to sorta molest the cat with black fur and red eyes, while the one behind the red cat looked grumpy and annoyed, the two kittens we're just watching everything going on between the cats, there was a grey one with a scar on its face 'probably from the last owner...that mf', then there was another black cat but with gold eyes and looked sorta emotionless, then there was this beautiful white cat with alluring purple eyes that just looked so cute.

I snapped out my daze and started talking hoping they would understand what I'm saying. "Ok kittens, my name is (Y/N) and I'm going to be your new care taker, now I don't know if you guys are male or female so please males on the left while females on the right."
It looked liked they listened perfectly ' Holy shit how did they understand that?!?', most of them we're on the left but the red cat seemed to be on the right.

"Ok kittens I'm going to name you guys now, so how about lady's first" l looked at the red cat as she made her way up to me, I picked her up and started stroking her fur 'wow how is her fur so soft?' "Hmm what shall I name you...oh I got it! How about how about candy?". She smiled and licked my hand as if saying she liked the name, I giggled and put her back down, "ok who's next?"

That said a peach looking kitten waltzed up to me like he owned the place, he started purring once I picked him up "aww aren't you just the cutest hmm what to name you, for such a cute man" he seemed to like what I had just said since he started purring even louder and licked my hand, " hehehehe oooo I know what to name you, how about sam does that sound nice?" He then started to rub up against my stomach indicating he liked it, I put him down beside candy and went on to the next cat.

I picked up the pure white cat with the purples eyes, 'oh wow he's beautiful' I thought as I stroked his fur "hmm a name for you has to be something sweet since you look so adorable" I said, that made him look up at me and smiled, 'wait can cats smile or am I crazy?' I questioned but put my thoughts to the side. "How does snowball sound, does that sound good?" He seemed to like it since he nudged his head into my head, I smiled down at him and placed him beside the other cats.

I then picked up a semi blue cat with black fur, his right eye was scratched across his face, and I was worried since I didn't know what happened to them before "oh my god what happened to you?, I swear once I find out who did this to you I won't show mercy when beating them up" I said angrily, my teeth gritting. Needless to say they all looked surprised and shocked when I said that, except for they grey one, he was laughing I think? Eh who cares I have to name the blue one " hmm anyways since you have blue fur how does blueberry sound?" He looked at me as if I was crazy " oh come on it's not that bad of a name besides there small and cute like you" I said and his mood switched to something of embarrassment 'man these cats are weird'

I moved to the cat with black fur and red eyes, and gold ones, I picked both of them up and put them by my side to speed up the process since I thought I was taking to long 'plus I have over break homework to finish'. "You guys sorta look alike but have very different eyes, I'll name the one with red eyes Artemis, and the one with gold eyes frost since you got looks that kill hahaha" they looked at me a gave a slow nod and jumped down to the kittens, 'they must be related maybe?'

And last but not least the dark brown and grey one, I put them on my lap and picked up the dark brown one to name him " hmmm how about William, will for short?" He looked shocked for a moment and nodded ' wow he's well trained, are these cats real gentlemen/lady' I put him down and pick up the last one.

"Of course I had to save the best for last huh?" He then started giggling 'if that's even possible' and waited for me to say something, " oh honey why do you have such a large scar on your face?, I swear once I find out who's your previous owner I'll rip off there head and feed it to dogs" I said while looking into the distance. 'God damn it I can't think about that right now', " anyways how does adrien sound?" He looked somewhat happy and then jumped at my chest his head in my chest (you have milf/dilf milkers)?!. "Wha- ah adrien please let go I have to do homework" he soon let go and started laughing ' what did I get myself into, who knew this cat would be a pervert'

"Well I'll be at the kitchen table doing homework if you guys need me" I said and walked off

I really had no idea what I was getting into.

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