⭐️Less chaos more questions💧

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~Hello again my beautiful koalas❤️ and welcome back, I have two announcement at the end of this chapter so keep your hats on and enjoy👀👀👀~

(Y/H)-your height

~Your POV~
Ugh what a night that was, definitely not the way I wanted to tell them but I guess you can't get what you want in life. I pulled the covers off and put on my favourite hoodie, and then went out the door to the kitchen. Where I was greeted by everyone sitting at the dinner table, everyone eating pancakes...without me?!.

"Sooo what's all of this guys?" "Well (Y/N) we decided to make you some breakfast this morning.. or should I say afternoon" Sebastian answered for everyone, "uhhhh what do you guys mean it's only 10:00 in the morning?"
"No it's not (Y/N), it is 3:00 in the afternoon, honestly how late do you sleep" ciel said which also caused a small embarrassed blush to form across my face.
"Well sorry for sleeping, would you rather me drink three monsters and stay up all night?" "I'm sorry what? (Y/N) you can't drink a monster, it would eat you" said Claude with a surprised expression "uhhh what do you me- oohhhh you think I mean an actual monster, oh god no, I'm talking about an energy drink it keeps you up and it tastes really good" I said sounding like a smart ass.

They "oh'd" in understanding and went back to eating, while I just grabbed a monster from the fridge and a piece of gum. "Are you not going to eat (Y/N)?" Ash asked me, "oh no no I will eat today, I'm just not hungry right now" I said while opening up my drink and taking a large gulp of it.

Soon enough, they were finished eating and they're plates were literally stacked on. I swear I sweat dropped a little so,I decided to help sebby and Claude. When I walked up to them they were confused until I said I would help with dishes (since I sadly don't have a washing machine in my house).

But even after I said I would help them they STILL looked confused, "(Y/N) why do you want to help us? We're just doing our job and you should be anywhere else" *sigh* sebby sebby...I'm not dealing with that shit today. "Uh sebby your missing a very important detail...this is still my house, so I make the rules here even if you both are powerful demons from another world that I find hot"

And here we go again with the surprised expressions, that was until I realized I also called them hot...oh Zeus  just smite me already. "Fine you can help with the dishes, I'll wash them, Sebastian will dry them, and you will put them away..does that sound good?" Claude said with a serious expression, although with small (very small) blush.

I nodded in understanding and went to work, and none the less the tension was high, I know they hated each other a lot but but damn even I can feel it. I just scooted away from them just a bit so they wouldn't notice, "hey you know what you guys? We need some music here I have a playlist" they looked at me again, sebby with a smug look while Claude with one of disgust.
"Uh no offence but we heard your music before" Sebastian said while looking down a little, damn bitch I'm not that short I'm only (Y/H), "uh what do you guys mean?" "Do you not remember that song you played on the first night we were here" Claude questioned "uhh no I don't think I- oh...right that song, you guys didn't understand the lyrics did you?".

Of course they understood the song there freaking demons who know all languages, "uh we did understand it, and I must say I never knew a woman like you could be such a pervert" "OI I'm not a pervert..not that much at least, I just like the song and please I have playlist all set and ready".

They both seemed reluctant to let me play music but they agreed since, ya know this is my house. So I grabbed my phone, and put on my Dream smp playlist (I highly suggest you watch it btw), and the first song that played was your new boyfriend by Wilbur soot.

It started playing and obviously I started jamming out to it, confusion on both of them but went back regardless, it was peaceful until it hit my favourite part. "Your knew boyfriends an arsehole....WHOOO", and I just did a lil happy dance for the remainder of the work.

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