👀Imposter among us👀

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"That's not your name, we already have a (Y/N) in here, it says here your names Olivia and you got kicked out of your last school for singing "fight song" when someone called you a whore".

Grell said puzzled and confused, while "Olivia" tried to find an explanatory, Pluto came in late and to be honest I forgot about him for a bit. He didn't really seem to like Olivia and I didn't either she gives me off vibes.

"I-I-I'm-m-m s-s-sorr-sorry-y-y, m-my mi-mist-mistake".

...she's gonna get bullied within five seconds of school. Of course I had to be dramatic and say something, I'm labeled the "sarcastic quiet kid" and I guess it came in handy.

"Yea I'm pretty sure you are a mistake, and really? Fight song? That is the most over played song in history other then Mariah carrey and her music still slaps. Nice to meet you but not really MY name is (Y/N) and your never going to survive in this school if you have that act up" I said quite proud of myself, that's the most I've talked in first period.

When I was finished everyone clapped and cheered, plus including ciel and Alois laughing there asses off, she even ran out crying. And you won't believe what happens next...SHE SANG FIGHT SONG OUTSIDE THE CLASS!!?!.

Oh this is going to be fun for me but not her.
"Ok? Anyways class let's paint something that gets in touch with what your feeling right now, anything that your feeling right now that's making you distracted, you all can do that while I deal with Olivia out there".

It sounded like she was slapped but I won't pay too much thought into it, and I started the project with ease. I added in some spice with the childhood trauma and everything else that has happened from the time everyone showed up to now...and it felt nice to finally get everything out.

Grell showed back up and looked like she just beat the shit out of Olivia (u go bestie!!)

Bell rang and everything was normal for the day, I had Sebastian for social and needless to say...I hate simps (a/n I'm looking at y'all reading this thing rn, also I got a surprise for u at the end stay tuned).

Undertaker for science, of course we explored the dead body with frogs and a pigs heart..kinda gross not gonna lie.

Claude for math..I fucking hated it, he called on me most of the time and my grades are slipping in math, like Justin bieber after he sang baby for the first time.

I had Ronald for gym, which was really weird because he even added in basketballs into a dodgeball game...needless to say there were a lot of head shots.

I also had William for foods and he had us make cookies with chocolate icing, pretty good to be honest, I did a pretty damn good job.

And lastly ash was the lunch guy...it was hilarious, he was cringing the entire time saying that all the kids in here are 'so un pure he would bathe himself in holy water' like damn were all mostly just giant simps or horny teens it's normal.

And sadly...Pluto was stuck in the office, but he had a purpose he was the therapeutic dog in there...I didn't even know he could shrink down to a normal size dog.

The end of the day came pretty quickly because I was having so much fun, of course Alois had a bruise on his face due to the dodgeball incident and ciel was covered in cafeteria food because he got in between a food fight between the simp and the frat guy. Best day of my life.

I made a quick stop off at "home" to get the stuff we forgot and walked out again, but not without the others pointing their death weapons at them, I love today it couldn't get any better.


After the fight with my parents I started looking for cheap apartments and I found one that was under $300.000 so I took it without another thought.

I have a lode of butlers and other paranormal people living with me that are basically demons and one angel. So they would have no problem cleaning it if it's messy still.

We settled in the living room since we didn't have a lot and just chatted on how our day was. I got a call from my dad when we were laughing at alois's bruise from the basketball and all fell silent while I picked up the phone. " why did you leave" he asked "because I said I would this morning remember?, or is your old age catching up to you now and not years before" "you watch your tone with me".

"Or what CHRIS, your gonna ground me, lock me in my room without supper? You all can go suck a dick, while I'm here living my best life with people who actually care for me".

"Don't you talk to your father that way, your lucky I didn't leave you on the side of the road when you were a kid", "oh so that explains all the mental abuse I got as a child? I'm destroying my phone after I hang up, I'm never contacting you guys again and I hope you all burn in hell".

I hung up the phone and put water directly in my charging cord area, and threw it out my window. It felt nice having my own freedom for once.

But there was still one more thought...

"I know you guys are just fictional characters in my world but could I possibly come home with you guys...as you can see I have nothing worth while here, please I don't care where I end up".

They all looked surprised, even Claude was taken aback, "(Y/N) if we do go back there might not be a way back, are you sure that's a good decision?" Sebastian asked a bit concerned. But I honestly don't care my life has been shit ever since I've been born so why not get away for ever.

"I'm positive Sebastian, I don't wanna live in my world anymore...well that's enough angsty shit for today. Halloween is tomorrow so we're all gonna get Halloween costumes on and celebrate".

"But isn't that the devils birthday?!" Ash asked surprised and it was funny because he had a 'are you joking' look on his face.

"Come on dude, it's free candy so why not?,  are you scared you're gonna like it?" He shut up and just ate his leftover pizza, while everyone silently chuckled.

We were all getting sleepy so we decided to just go to bed, and it was nice it was basically a huge cuddle pile...and for once in a life time I didn't feel alone.















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