🌪Disaster at home and school🌪

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Helloooooo, I hope you like this chapter, although I will be ending the book soon and starting book 2. Since there's too much drama to be held in one book that I can handle!!. And since I just dumped that on you this is gonna be an EXTRA long chapter

"Excuse me what??!!, how on earth did that happen and who's responsible??!"
William looked down ashamed and embarrassed, "I believe that was me"...how in hell did a guy as uptight as him get caught?!!.


'Hmm it seems like everyone else is asleep, I guess that's what happens when we're getting spoiled 24/7 by someone'.

The demons and angels soon woke up after that and sadly grell as well. Honestly how can anything get worse the right now, I'm tired and need to get back too work.

I changed back into my regular form and just sat down in a chair somewhere in the room. 'Looks like they enjoy reading a lot, but why are some of them covered in plastic?' (Iykyk ;))

Eh I'll just grab the book I borrowed from the library, what was it called again? 'Make out paradise' yea I think so. I reached for that and started reading, needless to say...I love it and find it..interesting, it's for studying only.

I hear the door from the other side begin to open so I swapped back into a cat and saw (Y/N)'s sister Emily come in..oh great what does this skank want.

And just as I thought it couldn't get worse she went straight to grab the one eyed kid. Now I don't give much of a care for him or the blonde but I know there demons do, so I just pawed at both of them and showed them the scene.

They slowly opened there eyes pissed that someone woke them up, but when they saw what "Emily" was doing, the two disgusting demons then ran to protect there mea- I mean there masters, they hissed and clawed which only seemed to piss the bitch off,  so much that she literally THREW the two brats. Now I've seen a lot of things in my life but why on earth would you throw KITTENS!!???!.

I couldn't stand for this any longer, now obviously I don't care about the brats but I just hate seeing children getting abused..I've seen enough of that while working in my own world.

I arose dramatically I might say into my regular form and started lecturing her.

"Now just what do you think your doing? Do you want to be next on the too die list? That can be arranged and I'll be happy to do it myself, or perhaps the demons behind me would like too themselves" I said as I backed her up into one of the walls.

"Oh your being too kind reaper, although I guess you could say we....appreciate it" Sebastian said while also changing back....I'm honestly surprised we haven't woken up (Y/N) yet, I think they could sleep through an army if they wanted too.

Soon enough everyone was changed back, even the minors, I could tell we were scaring the skank, but I wanted too have a bit more fun and decided to pull out my death scythe.

I held it up too her neck with a twisted smile, "You know I hate seeing any form of abuse from anyone, so why don't I let the demons just kill you now?, I could always cover up your murder by saying you tripped on a rock and fell down a cliff but you'd be lucky enough if there was any body parts of yours left".

She looked frightened but I wanted to scare her a bit more and decided to tap grell and undertakers shoulder and just have them give her a BIG grin, needless to say it looked like she was about to cry..which ended up being true since... "MOMMMYYYY, (Y/N)'s cats are real people and are threatening to kill me!!"


"...So your telling me..the most stubborn and quiet person, snapped at my sister because he has a soft spot for ciel and alois??.. ok one CUUTTTEEE, I didn't know you had a soft spot for kids, I'm holding this over your head forever. And now two... I really slept through all of that??, man I had a good dream".

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