⚰️They find wattpad and fanfiction⚰️

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Helloooo again my koalas I hope u laugh at this chapter as much as I did and ENJOY💗💗💗💗💗

(Your POV)

I honestly don't know how to say this myself but...let's just say it's not a pretty situation.

It was a normal morning, grell and undertaker were watching Hamilton, Sebastian was playing with his new cat, wil and ash were reading make out paradise, Claude and I were playing with Pluto and ciel and alois eating chocolate while watching YouTube videos.

And I had my phone open since I was about to take a picture of everything until I got a notification from wattpad...and it was about the lemon updates. Let's just say Claude got interested and grabbed my phone out of my hands. I was trying to get it back before he can read the new chapter but it was also too late because we started to attract a crowd around us anddddd...they reached "the" part.

"Uhh (Y/N) what's this, and why is this a "Levi x reader" thing". 'Ah shit' "wel- uhm- I- uh...EVERY PERSON FOR THEMSELVES"
And better said then done I snatched my phone and tried, key word 'TRIED' Ronald caught me before I could even open the damn door.

Then he freakin threw me over his shoulder like a god damn bag of potato's, thank god I was wearing this and not a skirt.

Then he freakin threw me over his shoulder like a god damn bag of potato's, thank god I was wearing this and not a skirt

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They walked back down the stairs, forced me to sit down and explain everything..otherwise they would throw my monsters away.
(And those are precious cargo)

"Ugh fine I'll explain everything, you just have to promise me that you won't hold this over my head and won't tease me about it". "Well my dear undertaker and I can't promise anything, but we'll try our best" said grell looking sassy as always.

Ok..here goes nothing...

(Time skip after they all got holy water and drank some, even the demons and reapers drank it thanks to ash)

"And yeah that's basically everything" I said finishing, needless to say they looked horrified, they must've thought I was cute little UwU kid that didn't read this shit and had a heart of gold. 'Come on (Y/N) keep it in..pfftt...no don't lau-' I couldn't even keep it in so I laughed as hard as an ass after eating spicy chicken. "AHAHAAAAAHHAHAAAAS oh my fuckin god you should all see your faces right now, HONESTLY did you really think I was innocent minded?? My brain got corrupted with dirty conversations when I was twelve".

And that caused them to look even more mortified, "alright you wusses I'm gonna go play with Pluto and you guys can do whatever you'd like"

And then we just did whatever, although I can still feel there stares behind me because to them I'm still a child. I'm still confused on who anyone thinks is innocent now a days, it's actually rare to find.

I began to play with Pluto in the living room, I don't know why I just didn't want to go outside, and it was such a blast, I played fetch he shook my hand it was so cute. Until something else happened, something that I probably should've expected...my fuckin dog turned into Pluto from black butler.

Of fucking course..why can't I just have a regular pet, ugh time to call sebby... "OH SEBBY, I found something that I think you'll like". And down came Sebastian calmly walking down the stairs and too the living room where he saw a naked Pluto.

"Oh sweet heavens, is that why you named the dog Pluto, is it because you knew he was here in that form?" Did this bitch really just try and blame me for something that I can't control?!.

"Oh ExCuse me mister perfect, but I just wanted a pet, not hot fictional men roaming around my house, now anyways since we have yet ANOTHER fictional man can you please help me find him some clothes, and don't even try and go away your helping".

Reluctant but too chivalrous to say no so he followed me upstairs to my cosplay room. He was surprised to say the least, I mean I did have a lot of clothes and weapons for said cosplays but oh well.

We picked out this outfit for him since I kind of figured he doesn't like tight clothes.

We picked out this outfit for him since I kind of figured he doesn't like tight clothes

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"Thanks Sebastian, your a really big help right now and I needed it". He gives me a sympathetic look before talking, "it was no problem (Y/N) I mean you are letting us stay here for free, but I should be thanking you the most the young master seems less stressful here".

Really? Well that's good, less panic and anxiety attacks for him but more for me. "That's nice sebby, by the way do you know what day and month it is, I lost track of time and I need to know when school is starting back up again".

"Ah yes, I'm pretty sure it's the 8th month of the 5th day". "Shut the fuck up are you kidding me? You have to be joking" he looked confused along with Pluto while I ran downstairs to the calendar on the fridge, which I didn't know I even had one until now.

'Fuck, the shit tards are coming back in not even a few days, there gonna be here in 18 hours'.

"EVERYONE GET INTO THE FUCKIN KITCHEN RIGHT NOW, THERE IS AN EMERGENCY". You know I should really word that better because freakin blades, pistols and garden tools were pointing every which way.

"Not THAT kind of situation but just as worse", I had them calmly put there death weapons away and sit down. "Anyways (Y/N) what's the problem, you yelled very loud so I imagine it's important" alois said while fixing his hair, 'well here comes the unpacking of major family trauma with mental manipulation and guilt tripping'.

"So my ass of a parents are coming home in 18 hours and let's just say..I need you guys to go back into animal form for awhile." "I don't get it what's wrong with your parents?" Asked ciel looking a bit clueless, 'most likely cause his parents were burned to death and stitched together'

"Well first of all, your all boys, except you grell your sort of an exception, but my parents are also transphobic which sucks soooo, yeah and secondly, they don't know that I've been taking care of fictional characters so that's a weird one".

It seems that they get it now. But I still can't get the thought of them finding out about everything...

"Hey (Y/N)"

"Yes ciel?"

"Can we all also get this wattpad you have"


"Hell to the mother fucking no, the adults can but I'm pretty sure you'd be mortified by what's on there"

"But aren't you also the same age as is here?"


"Shut up pirate"

(Y'all some kinky little shits ya know that?)

THATS THE END OF THE CHAPTER MY KOALAS, also in a few chapters u guys are going back to school, should I add the cliche y/n so u guys can pick on them??

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