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~sorry for the slow updates my lovely koalas I was catching up on the Dream smp videos and it took awhile~

Also if you guys need some help shifting then please use the picture I have above;)

⚠️Attenion brief mention of panic attacks please read with caution and be careful⚠️

~Your POV~
"(Y/n)...why is there a picture of us on that screen you call a tv?" Sebastian asked while standing up to protect his mea- I mean master, all eyes were on us, there was so much tension you could cut it with a knife. "Uhhhh so here's the thing, I haven't really been completely honest with you guys soooo if you want the full truth please sit down and be considerate while listening to me"

"Why on earth should we listen to you now?!" Asked alois who is in shock about everything "because if you don't I'll kick you all out of my house, leave you somewhere in the streets and never return, than your fan girls can get you. So if you don't want that to happen THEN SIT YOUR ASSES BACK DOWN AND LISTEN TO ME GOD DAMNIT".

I yelled the last part to sound more intimidating and under control which seemed to work, since now he was sitting down and waiting for an explanation while also looking down most likely feeling guilty. I sighed and looked up "listen I'm sorry for shouting at you guys just let me explain everything without feeling so much pressure ok?".

They all looked at me and nodded, I gave alois a small hand pat on his head because I have a feeling he hates loud noises and just told him 'sorry' real quick and maintained my position in the middle of the room. "Ok so here's the deal... I know most of you guys are demons, angels and reapers all that shit". Flabbergasted is what they looked like, most were still suspicious and before I was the next person on the to die list I started talking again.

"Woah woah didn't I tell you guys to let me explain first, so just put away your death scythes, butter knifes and sword and I'll continue" they settled back down and put there things away, "ok as I was saying I know you guys are immortal beings except ciel and alois, I know they have contracts with Sebastian and Claude, I know why you guys made the contract and I basically know everything about everyone".

Needles to say....they were creeped out I mean who wouldn't be, someone literally knows there private life, "and I don't want you guys to freak out more, but your part of a show that I love watching it's called 'Black Butler' and that's how I know everything". They were still in a state of shock but ciel broke it thank goodness "so were part of a show that you and more people watch, you know what Sebastian and everyone else are, and you know about mine and alois's contracts".

"Yup that pretty much sums it up, I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys before I just wanted you to warm up to this place a bit more before freaking out, which didn't do any good since your having a panic attack right now" I point out and he only now realizes he's shaking.

I cautiously come up to him and give him a hug, which he is hesitant to return but does anyways since he's feeling overwhelmed. "Ok I know this is a lot for everyone to handle so how about we go to bed it's already 10:30 pm, we'll talk about everything in the morning".

We all agreed and headed to bed Sebastian was about to take ciel but I stopped him 'it's ok Sebastian I got him just go to bed ok?' And he did and I was left with ciel in his room, to calm him down I brought in some candle sticks and some earl grey tea from when I went shopping. I placed it down on the nightstand and gave him the tea, he took a sip and seemed to relax a bit.

"Are you comfortable?" "Yes I am thank you (Y/n)" he said and took another sip of the tea before placing it down, "it's no problem ciel, here I brought a candle to make you feel more safe and calm" I said as I lighted up the candle with a match and blew the match out, I put something underneath it so the house wouldn't catch on fire.

He laid down a bit more and was looking more sleepy so I gave him some more pillows, and was about to leave before he grabbed my wrist, I looked down at him and he started talking "really, thank you (Y/n) for telling us and not leaving it behind...and for taking care of me" he said bashfuly. Awww he looks so cute like this, and the light blush on his cheeks are just adorable, "it's no problem ciel, I know how it feels to have panic attacks I've experienced some in my life time so I know how to handle it sometimes, and don't worry about it, I'd rather you guys know the truth about it and not run away and get arrested probably" I half joked and smiled at him.

We said our good nights and I went to my room, man I have more explaining to do in the morning. But at least I calmed down ciel, he looked so nervousness scared. I hopped in bed and turned off the light, I looked up at the ceiling and closed my eyes before having a few more final thoughts.

'At least now I won't have to shift realities to get to them, I'm freakin living it'

Sorry for leaving you guys with such a short chapter I'll be writing more often so expect more updates soon I love you my little koalas ❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘

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