🃏They see you in cosplay🃏

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~Your POV~
I woke up from my peaceful sleep, to see frost and Artemis looking at me, "oh good morning guys wanna wake the others up for me?" They nodded and gently woke everyone up. 'I still find it weird how they can understand what I'm saying, oh well', after that I just laid my head back on my pillow. Then I remembered something that I completely forgot about, my nezuko cosplay was coming in today. Just then a doorbell rang snapping me out of my thoughts and I literally jumped out of my bed,and dashed out of the room leaving my cats behind in the dust.

~Their thoughts about what just happened~

~Back to your POV~
I open the door to see a box on the ground that had my name, and address on it, finally it's here I gotta try it on right now. I was about to go up to my room to try on my new, and very first cosplay, until I saw my cats at the top of the stairs eyes wide and confusion written all over them. "Haha don't worry guys nothings wrong, my new cosplay just came in and I'm about to try it on, if you want I can give you guys a quick peek of it"

They all came down the stairs to see where I put the box down, and looked inside with curiosity. While me on the other hand was freaking out since everything was in there, and I have the right makeup for this too. I closed the box once more and looked at my cats, they looked back at me, but again I dashed off leaving them in the dust again (lol). I closed the door and immediately started putting on my cosplay and the proper make up, ' I wonder what my cats are thinking right now..they most likely think I'm crazy haha'.

~Grells POV~
Oh my goodness did I really have to wake up at this ungodly hour, I need more beauty sleep. "Sutcliff wake up it's morning" "oh but bassy I was very much- WAGHH", what in the hell just happened?!? And why did (Y/N) dash out of the room?!. "Come on sutcliff, there could be danger" without hesitation I jumped out of bed and ran after them, I know I had just met them but...I never got an answer on where they got there fashion sense from!!.

Oh they seems fine, but what's that they're holding in there hands??, "haha don't worry guys nothings wrong, my new cosplay just came in and I'm about to try it on if you want I can give you guys a quick peek of it". My curiosity kicked in and I walked on my way down the stairs, what can I say curiosity killed the cat. (lol) We were now at the bottom of the stairs in the living room looking inside the box, and oh my it was just stunning.

There was a beautiful pink kimono, a multi coloured wig and what looked like a bamboo gag, oh my goodness this outfit is absolutely gorgeous. When I was about to get a closer look but they closed the box on me 'oh well now THATS just rude', then out of no where they started running back to there room. We all tried to follow them but they closed AND locked the door on us, hmm I wonder what they're doing in there, oh I do hope they are putting on that lovely outfit.

Just then I saw the trancy kid try to order his rather hot demonic butler to open the door, I couldn't allow this what if they are changing!. "Now listen here you brat, what do you think your doing?" Everyone's eyes were now on me and the trancy kid. "What does it look like you horrid reaper, I'm trying to see them!" Oh my god this kid is getting annoying "you are not opening that door, what if they're changing you would walk in on there privacy without there consent". Deep down they knew I was right, before we could continue our argument the door was pushed open, to reveal (Y/N) in the outfit and might I say they looked absolutely stunning, although it would look much better in red.

~Your POV~
I went out of my room and I was met by multiple multi coloured eyes staring right at me, "haha so what do you guys think?" They all seemed to like it since they were purring now. Awww these guys are just adorable, oh since I have my nezuko cosplay on I should probably make some TikToks.

That being said I got my phone and started filming some povs, duets, and just crazy memes that I thought would be funny. I look back at all of them and they just keep staring at me, it's like there watching me but too, how do I say this? Human like.

After an hour of doing TikTok's and fooling around I decided to get out and start watching one of my favourite anime's. Black butler!! What can I say, I just love the plot (and the hot boys might I add). I wonder how my cats would like anime?.

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