🐸no more cats🐸

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Sorry for the slow updates hope u like it ✨❤️🐸

They all looked at you, not knowing wether to continue arguing or calm down and explain why they were here in the first place, also you wanted to know why the hottest black butler characters were standing in front of you almost naked if it weren't for Sebastian grabbing a few towels earlier.

"Hello there, it appears that we are in a bit of misfortune at the moment" Sebastian said breaking the silence, looking as hot as ever, but you couldn't focus on that right now. What you wanted to know was how they got here and why there naked.

"Oh no SHIT you guys have a "misfortune" right now, your standing in my kitchen practically naked, looking at me as if you expect to just welcome you in with open arms without knowing your business here!!?"

Ash then comes up behind me and whispers something in my ear, "listen (Y/N) we will explain everything I promise you that, but maybe they should have some clothes first?".
Oh god dammit, why does the angle have to be right, "ok ok fine, it would be better that way so I'm not staring at bare chests and almost visible...you know what I mean"

"Ok so I will give you all some clothes so you guys can cover up, then when your done you will come back downstairs to the living room and tell me EVERYTHING that happened" they all nodded in agreement and said there thank you's.

With that I took my leave upstairs, to get them some clothes, obviously I had to give alois the booty shorts, he's obsessed with them plus a large shirt with spongebob on it, I went back downstairs when I got everything and what I saw...I was honestly not impressed.

"I leave for 5 DAMN minutes and you already have KNIFES at each other's throats...literally😑" They all looked at me again, and noticed what position they were all in.

I sigh and walk over to Sebastian, who had butter knives in his hands facing claude "can you please take these clothes for everyone and give it to them, I need to take a Advil real quick, all of this is a bit irritating" he took the clothes from my hands gently and looked down at me 'damn boy how tall are you? Wait are you slender mans sibling'.

"Of course (Y/N), I'll make sure everyone is nice and clean, and...I am terribly sorry but I haven't an  idea who slender man is and we are indeed not related"...did this bitch just read my damn mind?.

You know what I'm just going to walk away now, with that I nod to Sebastian and I go to the bathroom to take an Advil, 'I know I've read situations like this on wattpad but I never knew it would happen to me, now I got no idea if I'm lucky or unlucky' with that I grabbed an Advil with a small glass of water and chugged it down.

Exiting the bathroom it was ok for the most part, I was just nervous to see a bunch of hot guys with mommy/daddy issues standing in front of me, plus there fictional characters who aren't supposed to be real, but I guess this bunch is for some reason.

"Ah (Y/N) your back, I do hope your feeling better" Sebastian said as he saw me walking back to the now clean crime scene that is my kitchen, "oh yes I'm feeling better thank you for asking, and how did you guys clean my kitchen so fast and get everyone dressed?" "Oh well it's quit simple (Y/N) I am simply just one hell of a butler"... HE SAID HIS FAMOUS LINE AMDGQOSBWOQ

Omfg this is the best day of my life, I let out a small giggle and started walking to the living room where everyone was seated. "Ok first things first, what are your guy's names" I asked even though I knew there names already I don't wanna seem like a creep and a stalker.

"My name is ciel phantomhive, pleased to meet you " oh shit...I forgot they were taught manners "it's nice to meet you ciel, and the rest of you are?" They looked between me and ciel very weirdly I might add, but grell luckily went up to speak.

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