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It's The Resistance

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It's The Resistance

Out of no where bright, red lasers spread in the sky and explosions. It got everyone's attention, drawing them outdoors. It was just like.. The Death Star. But more powerful.

Brook had followed her uncle and Chewbacca, who had joined them, outside to view the catastrophe. No one said anything. They were agape and horrified.

"It was the Republic." Finn says rushing towards them, "the First Order, they've done it. Where's Rey?"

"I don't know, she just disappeared." Brook replies, it was the truth.


Maz leads Han, Brook, Finn and Chewie down a hall, in a rush. « I've had this for ages..." Maz opens a box and holds out the lightsaber to Brook, not just any lightsaber either, her father's, and his. "Kept it locked away."

"Where'd you get that?" Han asks.

"A good question, for another time." She puts it in the young girls hand, "take it! Find your friend!"

Brook let's her hand wrap around the curves of the hilt. The room shakes.

"Those beasts! They're here!"

They all climb up and peak through the debris.

"Come on, Chewie!" Han calls out and leaves to fight with his friend.

Max turns to Finn and Brook, "Rey and BB-8, they need you. Now go."

"We need a weapon." Finn panics.

Brook nudges him and shows him the lightsaber, "We have one!" She stands up and ignited the blade, the blue glow shines on her face. She stares at it for a second, knowing the legacy this lightsaber holds. Then runs off into battle, after handing Finn her blaster.

Shortly after, Finn heads off. shooting a storm trooper in the chest, and another. "Traitor!" Finn hears behind him, he turns around seeing another stormtrooper, he throws his blaster away and takes out a type of baton. He rushes toward him. Poor Finn can only shoot at him until he was knocked on the ground.

He looks up just in time to see the trooper almost strike him. But a blue blade goes directly through his neck. He watches the body fall on the floor, the head separate.

He looks up and sees Brook, lightsaber in hand. She huffed a breath of relief before spinning the lightsaber on her side and regaining her posture.

She looks down at him, "Hey."

He looks up at her, stunned, "H-Hey?"

She offers him one of her hands and he takes it. She pulls him up.

Han and Chewie rush over to the pair, "You okay, Big deal?"

"Yeah," he turns to Brook again, "thanks."

She smirks, "no problem-."

But a group of storm troopers come over a aim their blasters directly at them.

"Don't move!" One of them shouts, "TK-338, we have targets in custody!"

Brook considers her options, she can't make it out of this one. Well maybe she can, but she can't protect all of them. One of the stormtroopers rips the lightsaber from her hand. They're shoved into a more open area, near a transport ship, their hands above their heads. But out of no where they hear a familiar roar of engines, along with splashes of waves.

By the beach, Resistance X-wings, zooming towards them barely above the water. Ready in fighting position. Along with First Order ships, ready for battle.

"It's the Resistance," Han lowers his hands.

Brook smirks, "Just on time."

The X-Wings attack the troops on group. By blasting them, causing explosions.

Brook reaches out her hand and calls the lightsaber. It flies perfectly in the crease of her hand. The second it does so, she ignites it.

"Quick!" Calls Han, he takes his blaster. While, Chewie picks up his bowcaster.

Finn and Brook run off together. Attacking any First Order troopers in their way. While doing so, an X-wing flies right above their heads shooting a group of stormtroopers, then doing a few spins to get a couple X-wings.

But, Brook noticed something. The ship was black, it was Black One, that's Poe's ship. No one else in the Resistance can pull a trick like that, well except for herself and, well, Poe. She didn't sense him die, she didn't see him die, she only saw the ship fall bellow the sand.

"Woohoo! Yeah!" Finn cheers, "That's one hell of a pilot!"

Brook smiled, her eyes stayed in the X-wing for a few seconds. "Yeah, it is." She swings her saber and continues battling.

They fought for awhile longer, Finn took out 2 stormtroopers then turned around. He sees Kylo Ren exiting the forest, with someone in his arms. It was Rey. Han also sees it, stopping too watch. That's his son. Brook doesn't see it right away, but she felt a disturbance in the force which caused her to look. She saw Finn running towards them, screaming. He gets shot at, but dodged the blasts.

The shuttle takes off and Finn screams, "No no no no, REY!"

Brook comes behind him and placed her hand on his shoulder, as a small display of comfort. He looks at her. She can see he's shattered from what he just witness, she doesn't need the force to sense it. He just lost one of his first friends, to the First Order. Again.

They watched the First Order retreat, before running back to Han.

"He took her!" Finn shouts, "Did you see that? He took her. She's gone!"

"Finn." Brook mumbles to him, warning him to calm down.

"Yeah, yeah, I know..." Han brushes by him. He saw it happen. He saw his son. And he also knows that since the Resistance is here, there's a very high chance that Leia will be. He and Chewie head off towards a transport.

Brook turns to Finn, "Go back to the Falcon. I'll be there soon." He doesn't have time to answer, she runs off in the same direction as Han.

She stands next to her uncle, Chewie and BB-8, in front of the transports ramp. It lowers revealing many Resistance members who skater to observe the terrain. But most importantly, Leia is standing there. Her and Han make eye contact right away, she has a small smile. They haven't reunited in years. Brook didn't say a word, she sees Leia everyday, she knows they need this moment.

But out of no where, the golden droid: C3-PO, interrupts right in between them. Like always. "Goodness! Han Solo! It is I, C3-PO. You probably don't recognize me because of the red arm. Look who it is! Did you see who-" the poor droid turns around, seeing that Leia was already there. "Oh, excuse me Princess- uh General."

Brook chuckles, "come on Threepio." She guides him away. "You too BB." Before she leaves, she send Leia a smile. Leaving the old couple alone.

"You changed your hair." Han points out.

"Same jacket."

"No," he looked offended, "new jacket."

Chewie is glad to see Leia, so he greets her with a hug and a few roars, then leaves the couple completely alone, heading back to the Falcon with Brook and BB-8 who had been waiting off on the side.

Han couldn't keep it in, he'd been away from his family for so long and he hates it. "I saw him. Leia, I saw our son. He was here."

Leia already knew.

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