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On The Run

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On The Run

The two walked miles over the sandy desert planet. Sweat trembled down their foreheads and necks, each muscle of their body ached, their lips were chapped, their throats were begging for water. They caught a glimpse of a small village. Just a bit further..

They eventually got there, there was different stalls that provided shade but that barely helped. They asked everyone they passed for water, the villagers either said no or didn't speak their language. Finn's eyes got caught on a huge creature drinking out of a tub of water. water!

He pulled Brook as he ran towards it. They both immediately drank a handful of it. It didn't taste like water, it had a mix of droll, sand, and mud. But it will keep them alive. They gagged, but convinced themselves to drink a bit more to stay hydrated.

There was ruckus in town, Brook payed no attention, but Finn got curious and cautiously walked over.

There was a young female with tanned skin from the sun, smooth brown hair held back in three tight buns. She was fighting two men who had covered something, that had probably belonged to her. Finn stepped in to help, but the girl had already taken down both men by herself. She uncovered her belonging, which revealed a white and orange BB unit. Wait, a white and orange BB unit?!

The droid noticed Finn starring, that was before he noticed his jacket. That's Poe's jacket! What happened to Poe?! Did he steal it? BB-8 beeped to his Jakku friend.

"Who?" the girl looked at Finn, "him?" She asked. The droid beeped in agreement then she began chasing Finn.

Poor Finn not knowing what's going on looks behind him to see nobody, that means she's coming after him. Run! Before he knew it he was sprinting who knows where. He looks behind him not spotting the girl, but when he turns in front,


Finn is knocked down onto the sandy floor. She points her staff at him threateningly.

"What's your hurry thief?"

"What?! Thief-" Finn asks confused. What did he steal? He's cut off by BB-8 who shocks him. "OW! Hey! What?"

Far back at the tub of water, Brook finally notices what's going on. It could be that she was absolutely exhausted, or that she's still questioning if her best friend is gone or not. She dashes over there to help Finn.

"The jacket!" The girl continues, "this droid says you stole it."

"I had a pretty messed up day, okay?" Finn snaps, "So i'd appreciate if you stop accusing me of things- OW!"

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