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There's alarms blaring, problems everywhere, and the lounge where Chewie growls as Finn nervously works to bandage his shoulder. There are sparks.

"Electrical overload!" Han informs the new crew.

"I can fix that," says Rey.

"The coolant's leaking!"

"Try transferring auxiliary power to to the second tank-"

"-- Secondary tank, I got it!"

Brook new quiet a lot about ships, but not that much. She's no mechanic.

Chewie howls in pain while Finn wraps the bandage on his shoulder. The wookiee roars scaring off the poor droid.

"Chewie, come on!" Finn complains, "I need help with this giant hairy thing! Stop moving! Chewie"

"You hurt Chewie, you're gonna deal with me!" Han shouts at the boy from afar.

"Hurt him?! He almost killed me six times!" Chewie grabs him by his collar, growling again. "Which is fine."

"This hyperdrive blows there's gonna be pieces of us in three different systems." Han says.

Rey pulls something out of its socket, which stops the alarms. She sits back in her spot, satisfied and happy.

"What'd you do?"

"I by-passed the compressor." She says proud of herself.

He looks at her, "huh." He walks out of the cockpit passing by BB-8, "move, Ball."

"Hey! Don't talk to my droid like that!" She yells at her uncle following him. Maybe she's a little to protective over just a droid. But BB-8 is practically family, ever since R2 shut down BB-8 has been like hers. Even though he was technically still Poe's.

Han only scoffs, not caring to reply to her. He kneels at Chewie, who lies on a med bed. Chewie groans. "Nah, don't say that, you did great. Just rest." He turns around and sees Finn, "Good job kid, and thanks."

"You're welcome." Finn accidentally hits a button on the chess set and the piece appear. He try's to turn it off.

"So like, we don't get a thank you?" Brook crosses her arms. She knows she's annoying him, she's doing it on purpose and he knows that.

"Shut it." He groans.

She laughs, "what?"

"You..." He points at her, "you're special."

"I know" She smiles and sits next to Finn.

"So, fugitives, huh?" Han asks, referring to what the gang said.

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