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Brooklyn was laying with her eyes closed. Stormtroopers had tried too beat the information out of her, but of course she didn't budge. And neither did Poe.

Her cheek was red from them slapping her. She had blood running down her nose, forehead and neck. Along with many other bruises and cuts all over her body. She was a real shit show.

The doors glide open and someone walks in.

"You survived that night." Kylo Ren says bluntly, "how?"

Brook opens her eyes and looks at the man towering over her, "I don't know."

"Where's the map?"

"I don't know."

"Yes you do."

They stay quiet.

"Take off that stupid mask." Brook speaks up.

Ren hesitates but does as she says. He places his helmet on a small table beside her. Their eyes connected. His black puffy hair is messed up from the helmet, he still has the same brown eyes and fair skin. She can still see the conflict in his eyes, the sadness, the confusion, the light, the dark. The same boy she used to know.

"Where's the map?" he repeats. She doesn't answer. "Just because you have the title of Skywalker doesn't make you strong. You're still weak. Just like that night at the temple." He snaps at her.

"Just because you call yourself 'Kylo Ren' doesn't make you powerful." Brook snaps back.

Kylo Ren gets tired of her. He raises his gloved hand up to her head, which sends a rush of pain and pressure to her head. "Where is it?"

"I'll never tell you," she spits out.

Her head starts to hurt more. He attempts to get in her head but Brook isn't letting any information slide. The pain intensified but she still didn't budge. It feels like her mind is being crushed and trying to be poked at, which is exactly what's happening. A small sob leaves her lips as she continues to fight his strong power. Memories flood her mind, memories of training at the temple, Ben, Luke, that night, the resistance arriving, Poe. Brook finally is able to block out her thoughts stopping him from seeing anymore. She kept her eyes locked with his, watching his patience wear out.

"You know he left you." he taunts in attempt to get her distracted. "You're father, He left you to burn after I left you there!"

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