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Pain, Rage, and Duels

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Pain, Rage, and Duels

"I'm being torn apart." the young man looks down, "I want to be
free of this pain."

Han takes one step toward his son, but stops himself.

"I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it." he finally looks up at his father, "Will you help me?"

Han hears his son's voice, pained and vulnerable. He nods, "Yes. Anything."

Kylo Ren takes his lightsaber off his belt and slowly extends it to his father. But the sunlight from the door fades. Han actually smiles, and reaches out for the dark weapon.

But with the light gone, Kylo Ren's eyes immediately fill with darkness again. Brook senses it, but Han can't. She knows what he's going to do, she whimpers a small "No.." then screams out to her uncle. "HAN!"

But it was too late, Kylo Ren had impaled Han Solo with his red sparkling lightsaber. "Thank you," he whispers.

Brook covers her mouth, there was nothing she could do, she felt tears stream down from her eyes. Finn slightly gasps. But Rey, She screams a painful no and then she repeats it to herself as tears flood her face.

Han's last moment is looking into his son's face, pressing one hand on his sons cheek. After Ren disignites his lightsaber, Han holds onto the catwalk as his life fades away. He falls back and down into the depths of the oscillator.

Leia felt it, even tho she was all the way back on D'Quar. She felt her husband pass away, and she knew it was her son.

Kylo Ren stares forward, he seemed almost sorry, or weakened by the situation. Before he had time to react, Chewbacca cried out and shot him in the side, causing him to grunt. The stormtroopers start firing at the wookiee, forcing him to hide in a corridor. Chewie pulls out the dentinator and presses the button, causing each explosive to go off. Shaking the room, and causing the place to cave in. Kylo Ren looks up seeing Rey, Brook and Finn watching the explosions go off, their still in shock and pain from what he had just done. They also look at him. Rey's expression had pure pain, Finn: shock, and Brook both, along with.. anger.

He rises to his full height and heads for them with long strides. Storm troopers begin to blast at them as well, Rey fires back, as Brook ignited her lightsaber blocking a blast that was about to hit them. Finn grabs both girls' arms and pulls them back through the door and out of sight.

They ran away from the oscillator, which is now ablaze, and into the forest.

"The Falcon's this way." says Finn as they run through trying to find their way. They stop to take a breathe, their breathing is heavy and loud.

Brook senses something and immediately turns around seeing Kylo Ren, who ignited his red lightsaber. The other two slowly turn around facing him as well.

"We're not done yet." Ren calls out.

"Yeah.. we're not." Brook takes a step forward but Finn puts his arm in front of her. She looks at him.

Rey yells at the man before them, "You're a monster!"

Ren continues, "It's just us now. Han Solo can't save you."

Brook reaches for her lightsaber, but before she can Rey had already grabbed her blaster and aims it at Kylo. He raises his hand and uses the force to throw her back, hitting a tree. Once she hits the ground, she's dazed and lying in the snow. Finn runs to her calling out her name. He kneels next to her.

Finn hears a lightsaber ignite, he turns around and sees Brook with her blue lightsaber ignited, leaving her families on her belt. She's ready in a fighting stance. Ren can see it in her eyes, she wants to fight him. She wanted revenge, revenge for that night, revenge for ruining everything.

Her eyes sting with tears, "How could you. He was your father! Our family!"

"Family means nothing to me."

Brook swings her lightsaber at him multiple times, he blocked every move. He improved, well he did have all these years. She attacks him from above, clashing her lightsaber on his. She pushes down with all her force while breathing heavily.

She knocks him on his knees, but he force pushes her back. Before she can, Ren starts swinging at her. She blocks most of his moves, but gets cut on her right thigh. She falls down on her good leg and look up at him.

She stands up, limping, and backs up
into a tree. By the time she goes to move, Ren already has his arm raised. She quickly raises her blade, clashing it with his once more. He's pushing against her, making her arms weak.

His lightsaber is about to touch her face, when she grabs her families saber with her other hand and swings it at his head. Ren backs away just in time, his chest barely getting sliced by the blade, burning a line through his shirt and skimming his skin. He looks up just in time to see Brook swinging both blades at him.

It's much harder to block two. Kylo Ren knew if this kept up, he was going to loose. So he found another way.

"I thought Jedi don't fight with anger," he chuckles as their blades were connected again.

She looks up at him, he saw her expression change. She realized what she was doing. She gave in to the dark side, all she was thinking about was revenge.

Brook seems to space out for a split second, Ren took that moment and swung his saber. He knocked Luke's out of her hand sending it flying, then sliced at her arm. His red blade cleanly sliced through her left forearm. She yelled in pain and fell backwards, her lightsaber falling in the snow. Ren looked down at his cousin.

He was going to finish her, but he heard another lightsaber ignite. He turns around and sees Finn holding their family saber.


That was the last thing Brook heard before passing out.

Finn and Kylo Ren fought, it was obvious who would win. Finn had never held a lightsaber, never mind was ready to duel the Kylo Ren. But what's shocking, is that Rey fought him as well. And won.

Brook barely woke up after they finished. The planet was crippling. She saw Finn, face-down in then snow a few feet away from her.

"F-Finn..." she stutters out "... Finn?"

She uses her good arm too pull herself to him. As she got closer, she saw the large lightsaber slice on his back. She reached for his neck, checking his pulse. Finn was alive, just barely. She sighs in relief and flips him onto his back.

"Finn! Brook!" Rey comes running from deeper in the forest. She sees Brook awake but Finn still out, "Finn.. Rey kneels down next to Brook and feels tears fill her eyes.

Brook looks at her, "He's alive... just barely.."

Rey looks at her friend, and hugs her. At least she has someone that she knows is okay. Well, other than the arm and all. Brook can feel tears fall down her cheek aswell.

A bright light appears infront of them, they turn squinting their eyes. As their blurred vision adjust they see the Falcon. Rey's face lights up with hope, Brook let's out a breathe she didn't know she was holding. The ramp lowers and Chewbacca comes down roaring something. He sees them and immediately picks up Finn, carrying him onto a bed on the Falcon. Rey helps Brook up since her thigh.

Chewie and Rey piloted the Falcon as Brook seated behind them. They fly off the planet, following the remaining of the Resistance ships. Brook sees Poe's X-wing and smiles knowing he's safe.

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