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The Resistance

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The Resistance

Brook wakes up in a white room, which is the Resistance medical room, she looks around the room seeing a young woman in a white uniform.

"Miss Skywalker, your awake," the nurse notices Brook, "The General will be happy to see you."

The General. Leia! I have too see Leia.

"Leia, where is she?" she asks in a rush sitting up, which causes her too hiss in pain from a major ache in her rib.

"Careful! Relax, you've got a broken rib and a minor concussion." The nurse informs lowering her back down, "General Organa should be here after her meeting."

Brook signs in annoyance. A concussion and a broken rib, that's just what I need right now. She thinks.

"You'll just have too stay here for about a week until you heal," the nurse finishes off.

"Right, tell her too come as soon as she can."

"Will do," and with that the young nurse left.

Brook took a deep breath then attempted too sit up again but slower. This time it worked, she still felt some pain but stopped when she settled into a comfortable sitting position. She needs to talk to Leia right now, she needs too tell her everything. Brook looks at the floor as a tear swells up in her eye. Not even fighting it, she lets it fall breaking into quiet sobs. She can't handle the truth herself, how is she going to tell Leia. She cry's silently alone for a couple of minutes.

Suddenly the doors glided open revealing Leia Organa. She quickly wiped her leftover tears away as Leia rushed in too see her niece.

When the General's eyes fell on her, her face fell. She can tell she had been crying and knows that whatever Brook is going threw is hard. Leia quickly hugs her.

Brook hugs her back but groans slightly, "Rib."

"Right, sorry." Leia backs away putting her hand on Brooks check tracing her fingers under her eye. "Are you ready too talk about it?"

Brook looks to the ground then nods lightly.

Leia smiles understandably and sits down next too her, "What happened? Tell me.."

"I- are you sure you're ready?" Brook repeats the question too her aunt. Her own son did this all.

"Yes, I am." Leia sighs, "I know Ben has something to do with it.."

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