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Brook wakes up too the noise of beeping. She coughs gasping for air, she can barely breathe, her head hurts and that beeping isn't helping. A sound of a familiar beep of relief fills her ears.

"Artoo?" She chocks our looking at the R2 unit.

R2-D2 beeps and informs her that the a Resistance is coming.

Brook let's out a sigh of relief, The resistance, that's means her aunt, but Artoo can't finish, Brook worries.

"Where's my father?"

Artoo speaks in a long series of beeps informing Brook that her father left, but he is the one who told him too call the Resistance.

Brook looks at the sky, it's about morning now. A gloss of tears form in her eyes blurring her vision. With everything that happened, it's moving too fast. First the vision, then Ben, then the temple, then her father. But she knows that soon she'll be safe at the Resistance, with her only family that's left.

Artoo snaps her out of her thoughts by ramming into the giant piece of ceiling that had fell on her, trying too help.


The droid lets out a few angry beeps towards the ceiling piece.

"Artoo!" she coughs out a laughs just barely, "I can handle it.."

The little droid backs up, Brook closes her eyes and reaches out her hand. Using the force, and most of her already gone energy, she manages too move the piece off her and onto the side. Collapsing with a huge thud.

Brook's hand drops too her side, completely exhausted. Artoo rolls beside her offering support. She grabs onto him and uses him too stand, her entire body hurts after being nearly being crushed. Her head begins too feel dizzy but she ignores it and looks around. The entire temple, gone, everything her father worked so hard on is just gone. She wonders how she's still alive, with the temple collapsing like that surely it would've crushed her, but somehow she's alive.

The pain in her head increases causing her too hold onto Artoo more, which he beeps in attempt to comfort.

"I'll be fine Artoo.. now.. let's at least get out of this mess." Brook says patting the droid on the head.

He rolls forward with Brook holding onto him, she manages to get out from where the temple is. While walking a ship,  belonging to the Resistance, appears landing a bit from the temple. Artoo beeps and shakes lightly. They start walking towards the ship.

The ramp falls down with many soldiers and a specific General that makes Brook relax her muscles.

"I want a search everywhere for survivors! and inspect the ruins!" The General orders.

"Yes general!" One of the soldiers reply.

But behind Leia is a young man with dark brown hair, he looks over the Generals shoulder, while she's yelling orders, and spots a blue and white R2 unit with a injured girl.

"General over there!" he yells as he runs towards the Brook helping her off the droid and into his arms, "Are you okay?"

Brook manages to reply with a humourless laugh, "I-I'll live.."

He helps her walk towards the General. Brook has her arm around his neck holding on tightly and he holds her arm and waist.

General Leia Organa runs towards her niece in worry.



The two embrace, after a good twenty second hug, Leia kisses her forehead.

"Where's your father?"

"He left.. I don't know."

Leia looks at her in deep worry but then turns too the young man.

"Take her onto the ship and make sure she's alright." She demands.

"Yes, General." He replies and grabs ahold of Brook once again.

He helps her up the ramp and into a small medical bed that she can rest on. Brook lays down looking at the ceiling.

"Well you should probably get some rest after all that." He says, smiling and placing his brown leather jacket over her. "It suits you better."

"You're right, Thank you..." Brook trails off realizing she doesn't know his name.

"Captain Poe Dameron. But you can call me Poe."

"Alright 'Captain Poe Dameron'," she mocks his small bragging before smiling, "Thank you"

He smiles back at her, "Your welcome."

Brook closes her eyes, while Poe leaves.

Somehow, even when she's completely breaking inside, she manages to put on a mask.

A small tear falls down her cheek as she drifts into her sleep.

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