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The Night At The Temple

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The Night At The Temple

It was a night like every other. The day passed normally for the students and teacher.

As usual Ben ignored Brook all day. She didn't bother to talk to him because she didn't want to start another fight.

Brook was laying in bed starring at the ceiling, she was worn out from training but for some reason she had a bad feeling. But she decided to ignore that feeling and fall asleep. She closed her eyes and then the world drifted away.

Brook slept peacefully for an hour or two but then something started to cloud her mind.

She saw her father, Luke, looking at his lightsaber. Then looking at her cousin. Ben stretched out his hand calling his lightsaber, the blue and green blades collided.

"Ben no!"

All of a sudden images started to flash by. A man with a disfigured face, then a red cross lightsaber, Ben, the temple. She felt nothing but darkness.


Brook woke up breathing heavily and sweat running down her forehead. She hears cries and screams, she feels the heat of fire.

Everything happens so fast, she grabs her lightsaber and runs threw the temple seeing bodies, still senses that strong darkness.

She turns a corner seeing a group of masked people, she walks closer igniting her lightsaber. The blue glow lights up the hallway.

The one in the middle held the same red cross lightsaber she saw in her dreams.

Ben was the first thing that she thought of.

She looks at his lightsaber then up at the figure.

"Brooklyn Skywalker. Let's see who wins the duel this time," the mechanical voice said.

He swung his lightsaber at her multiple times and she blocked it. She ran down the hallway still fighting the man. He attacked from the top and she blocked it holding their sabers together.

She looked at the helmet of the person. He kept pressing his lightsaber on hers making her arm weak. Brook force pushed him away taking this time to recompose her stance.

"Why are you doing this, Ben?" She yells at him as she sees flames grow on the walls.

The figure reaches for his helmet slowly taking it off. Ben was conflicted, overwhelmed with darkness. It hurt her heart. Her eyes began to sting, blurring her vision.

"The jedi are weak! So are you, and so is Luke. I will finish what our grandfather has started." Ben said,

"Our grandfather was wrong and so are you! Don't do this Ben, please." Brook answers.

"If your not with me, then your my enemy."

"So be it."

Brook collides her saber with his. He pushes her away. They swing at each other multiple times but both always blocking. Ben has become stronger because of the dark side, little does he know the path he's going down is far more then dangerous.

They fought for a long time and Brook managed to cut his arm and leg lightly. They found themselves in the centre of the temple with their blue and red blades locked. Ben and Brook were both fighting hard. Fire was surrounding them, making the room hot, causing sweat to drip down their foreheads.

"Ben it's not too late we can fix this!" Brook says desperately.

"I am already fixing this. The jedi will be dead," Ben pauses, "and you along with them."

Before Brook can do anything Ben moves his lightsaber using the hilt to hit her on the back of her head, knocking her out. She falls to the ground her lightsaber falling beside her. The once known, Ben Solo, stood above her body looking down at her body. He turns off his lightsaber and turns around heading outside too leave with the Knights of Ren before the entire temple collapses.

Luke Skywalker struggles too get out of the temple. He manages to escape with R2-D2. He is ashamed, and sad. He can sense his daughter is alive, but can't face himself too see her again.

"Artoo, send a signal to the Resistance and make sure Brook gets there safe." he says to his faithful companion.

Artoo lets a series of agreeing beeps but also confused.

Luke looks too the side and speaks, "I'm leaving."

The droid understood but is also sad. He beeps and rolls into his master. Luke pats his head.

"Goodbye old friend."

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